[Diagnosticada en una olla]The Miao-Ling woman has no symptoms and is examined on her own. Netizens Laughing At His Trouble! The Unhappy Hot Pot Restaurant Responded | Apple News | Apple Daily


(New: heartwarming news)

A Filipino woman in her 20s in Kaohsiung found a friend to eat a hot pot immediately after the home quarantine period expired. A self-examination was performed the day after eating. He was later diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia. This became the first case in the country to violate independent health management regulations and be punished. This matter provoked heated discussions. In particular, the Kaohsiung City Health Bureau revealed that he had no fever, cough or other symptoms, and that China did not require screening tests at the end of the quarantine period. Many netizens laughed at her with trouble: “Don’t test yourself, no one eats hot pot. Know!”

However, the Office of Health emphasized that regardless of symptoms, avoid going to public places during voluntary health management. Regarding the reason for her self-funded examination, the Health Office stated that she is a foreign professional, in the work environment in which she participates, or has relatively high requirements for her own health, so she conducts the examination on her own.

The hot pot restaurant operator said helplessly this morning (24) that customers came to eat and did not know if the other party had been diagnosed. But the store has implemented anti-epidemic measures, use of masks and disinfection with alcohol; two weeks have passed since the confirmed case occurred, and there should be no more risk, and the store employees have shown no relevant symptoms; The store learned that a customer was diagnosed, so that night Complete disinfection, basically without a doubt, after the whole incident was exposed by the media, caused panic among customers and affected the business a bit. In addition, the police have also intervened in the search for evidence. If the infectious disease prevention and control law is violated to spread inappropriate information, the maximum fine is 1 million yuan.

Kaohsiung City Health Bureau Jian Ren Jizheng Pan Yuying said in the morning that Kuang’s case and listed close contacts have no abnormal conditions so far, that is, community risk management and control They are safe. Friends currently at the same table eating marijuana are isolated at home. He is healthy and the case is still asymptomatic. The case went to the hospital for self-inspection and took a specific means of transportation. The office controlled the driver to wear a mask and open the windows throughout the driving process, so close contacts were not listed.

He pointed out that according to the investigation of the epidemic, after this case had eaten a hot pot, there was no other risk mark worthy of being announced, so in this part you can be sure that this epidemic is under control and there is no risk of expansion.

As for why the image of the hot pot was published ten days after the case was diagnosed? Pan Shaoying noted that verification will take some time. After being informed of the situation, the office specifically focused on the first case of violation of the relevant regulations in the country during the autonomous health management period, which resulted in an epidemic risk.

Additionally, Pan Shaoying said that after the case was diagnosed, the poor hot pot restaurant was haunted by witches. According to the infection prevention and control law, the dissemination of illegal and inappropriate information caused damage to the general prevention of the epidemic. The information can be removed from the shelves in accordance with the law and a fine of up to 100,000 One million yuan, he stressed that all the information from yesterday to today has been transferred to the police station to search for evidence.

He called for home isolation and quarantine, independent health management in accordance with the standards of the Epidemic Central Command Center, not to participate in large-scale events, including upcoming New Year’s Eve activities, and not to test the law. The Kaohsiung city government has a relevant list and will use various methods. And check during the activity.

A local case occurred in Taiwan (22) days ago. The Gao City Health Bureau yesterday announced the country’s first case for violating independent health management regulations and being punished. A young Filipino woman was diagnosed after eating stew, and 9 other tablemates also participated in the dinner. Friends must be isolated at home, shocking the whole country. According to internal photos of the restaurant provided by the Kaohsiung City Health Office, the local Kaohsiung Facebook Club reported that their meeting place was a hot pot restaurant in Kaohsiung.

Last night, “Apple News” went to check the store where the rumors were spread by Internet users and found that the store had knocked down the iron door and could not see the interior decoration, nor did he know the people who had visited the store for consumption, and could not confirm the authenticity of the rumors. However, a notice was posted outside the store, stating that the store has been fully disinfected and you should wear a mask, take body temperature, and spray alcohol inside.

A netizen noted at the Kaohsiung Local Facebook Club that the store was still open yesterday and that there were many customers during dinner. The Kaohsiung City Health Bureau explained that the store has been disinfected and that store staff have not been in close contact with the confirmed young woman and the store can operate normally.

The Kaohsiung City Health Office said the woman returned to Taiwan from the Philippines late last month and was quarantined at home for 14 days. During the quarantine period, he did not develop symptoms such as fever or cough. The quarantine period expired on December 10 and 9 people were found on the 11th. My friend ate stew and was examined on his own the day after eating, and then the diagnosis was confirmed. (Reported by Wu Baiyuan, Wu Huifen, Zhuang Zongxun / Kaohsiung)
