He has a 30K salary! The interviewer laughed and revealed the market in seconds and yelled: Don’t go | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Full Report

Many people have been searching for “quality of life” throughout their lives. The necessary condition is a good job. Recently, a netizen said that when he went to interview a writer for a new company, he offered him a starting salary. Under the 30K condition, she didn’t expect the other party to laugh in front of her and say that she “doesn’t understand the market at all.”

▲ Many people have sought “quality of life” throughout their lives, the necessary condition is a good job. (Schematic diagram, non-participant photo / data photo)

The netizen posted a post on Dcard yesterday (22). He asked “25K work? Think you are looking for work-study students?” She said that she recently interviewed a startup and that her position is “blogger.” The content of the work is production and literature, community management, drawing, etc. As far as salary is concerned, the original PO opened 30K at the beginning. Unexpectedly, the other party laughed at the time and said that she “does not understand the market conditions and did not conduct research before the interview. This industry The maximum is 25-28K.”

Although the final interview was successful, the supervisor asked the original PO to do his homework before entering work and planning the 2021 plan, but she declined, “because clearly I don’t want to be an absolute noble.” The original PO frankly said that it was just the company’s liability system. The culture of overtime and salary adjustments only every three years, quarterly reviews but no promotions, no fixed office location, no end-of-year guarantee, etc., had her screaming, “I can’t imagine how much this company respects. To him eployees. Although it is a good job, but if you don’t respect your profession at all, I can only say that you will never hire a good writer. ”

▲ Netizens posted a post sharing “25K job? Think you’re looking for a work-study student?” (Photo / Obtained from Dcard)

As soon as the post came out, netizens left messages: “I will definitely turn it down. The salary is so low that I can’t stay”, “They’re trying to see if someone goes anyway”, “I can’t accept this kind of salary the South”. What’s more, in the north, “” Taiwan rotten strawberries are getting used to the boss, “” But I think you still have a chance to find a good one! After all, the group is still very servile. “” They don’t understand the current wage market, do they? The main job is 30k, you should laugh at them “,” Minimum wage multiplied by 8 hours multiplied by the number of working days in a month, 160 multiplied by 8 multiplied by 22 = 28160, do not go to work below this salary, You can’t accept this in the south Not to mention the north. ”

In addition, some netizens calmly analyzed: “Although the salary is very low, it still depends on the qualifications of the interviewer. If you are not a freshman in the corresponding department, and you do not have a portfolio or experience, this salary should be considered common, but it will be stolen on the spot. Laugh and teach him. I don’t respect the interviewer at all and finally admit his company.
