New construction / discontinued after 253 days! Taiwan Local Cases of New Zealand Pilot Contacts Reappear | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Reported by Lin Yanjun 【12/22 13:33 Press release | 14:00 Update: New video】

Taiwan has new local cases. Since mid-April this year, China has had no local cases for 253 consecutive days. The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today that China has 4 new cases of Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19, COVID-19). The command center stated that one of the local cases was related to the meeting of national aviation pilots. Taiwan had no local cases for 253 consecutive days.

▲ The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today that China has 4 new cases of Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19, COVID-19). (Photo / provided by the Central Epidemic Command Center)

The command center stated that in order to clarify the activity and contact history of Case 765 (foreign pilots) between December 8 and 12, detailed investigations of the case’s activity trajectory by the health and police departments revealed that there were several public places in the case during the mentioned period. Put the activity history (as attached), remind people who have been in and out of relevant places for the time period indicated in the attachment, please take care of your own health. If the relevant symptoms occur before December 25, they must wear a mask and go to designated community inspection institutions across the country. Evaluate whether you should conduct an inspection.

▲ The trajectory of case 765 domestic activities. (Photo / provided by the Epidemic Central Command Center)

The command center stated that failure to honestly report the contact history and activity history of Case 765 during the epidemic investigation may violate the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act. In accordance with article 43 of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law, patients with infectious diseases or suspected infectious diseases must not refuse, evade or obstruct relevant inspections, investigations and disposals; if there is indeed a denial, evasion or obstruction, the health unit may impose a fine of NT $ 60,000 to NT $ 300,000 in accordance with the provisions of article 67, paragraph 1, paragraph 3 of the same law.

The command center indicated that currently the health unit has a total of 167 contacts with 771 cases, 13 of which are listed in home isolation, 154 are listed in the independent health management and all will be arranged for inspection (out of 21 inspections , 146 are awaiting inspection). The unit has disinfected public areas such as the work unit in the case of 771; In the case of aircraft clusters, 87 people have been inspected, of which 3 have been diagnosed (cases 760, 765, 766), 78 people have tested negative and 6 people have performed 10 People are waiting for the inspection.

In addition, the command center stated in response to three other confirmed cases abroad that Case 768 was a 40-year-old migrant worker with Filipino nationality who came to work in Taiwan on December 7 and had a negative report on the test of nucleic acid within 3 days prior to shipment. After entering the country, he was quarantined. The quarantine was asymptomatic so far; The quarantine was taken before the quarantine period expired on December 20, and the diagnosis was confirmed today. As the case was asymptomatic and did not come into contact with others during the quarantine period, no contacts were included.

Case 769 is a Filipino migrant worker in her 30s who came to work in Taiwan on December 7 and had a negative nucleic acid test report 3 days before boarding. After entering, he went to the centralized quarantine station to quarantine himself. So far, she has no symptoms and was quarantined on December 20. The exam was performed prior to expiration and the diagnosis was confirmed today. Since the case was asymptomatic and did not come into contact with others during the quarantine period, no contacts were listed.

Case 770 is a 30-year-old Filipino fisherman who came to work in Taiwan on November 8 and had a negative nucleic acid test report 3 days before embarking. He went to the centralized quarantine station to be quarantined after entering the country and has no symptoms so far. The case tested negative before the quarantine period expired on November 21. After the quarantine period expired on November 23, the broker made arrangements to board and did not disembark from the ship. Because the original reservation was to be published on December 21, the broker arranged a self-funded inspection on December 20 and the diagnosis was confirmed today. The health unit has a total of 49 contacts in the case, of which 48 were contacts on the same ship. The results of the PCR test were all negative and were classified as home isolation; 1 person was contacted by the same vehicle and classified as an independent health management.

According to statistics from the command center, to date, a total of 120,351 cases of notifications related to novel coronavirus pneumonia have been reported in China (including 118,248 excluded cases), of which 770 cases have been confirmed, 675 cases of immigration to the foreign, 56 local cases (including 771 cases), 36 cases from the Dunmu fleet, 2 cases of aircraft infection and 1 case were unknown; the other case (case 530) was dropped as an empty number. Of the confirmed cases, 7 people died, 632 came out of isolation, and 131 were hospitalized in isolation.

See more recent reports on Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID-19, New Coronary Pneumonia):

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

To prevent Wuhan pneumonia, wash your hands frequently with soap, wear masks when necessary, avoid eating raw meat and eggs, go to crowded places, and avoid contact with poultry and livestock.

If you are unwell, take the initiative to report it. If you suspect symptoms within 14 days, call the Outbreak Prevention Line first, wear a mask, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Make sure to inform your doctor about your travel history.

※ Free line for the prevention of epidemics: 1922, 0800-001922
