Taichung’s military service propaganda appeared in the PLA’s “hand and fist salute” stance, which Cai Qichang angrily denounced: insulting the image of the national army! | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


The South Taichung District office appeared in the municipal propaganda folder with images of the Chinese People's Liberation Army making fists and saluting Image: Obtained from Cai Qichang Facebook

The South Taichung District office appeared in the municipal propaganda folder with images of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army making fists and saluting.Image: Obtained from Cai Qichang Facebook

The municipal publicity folder issued by the South District Office of the Taichung City Government was discovered by the public that the cartoon soldier in the picture was actually posing in a greeting posture of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army with a “fist”. This caused a heated discussion. Legislative Vice President Yuan Cai Qichang Jin (23) criticized him. The city government “acts hastily”, does not bother to review, it just takes materials online and turns them into an advertising product, which really humbles the image of the national army.

Cai Qichang previously noted on Facebook that the South District Office of the Taichung City Government issued a free municipal propaganda folder. Unexpectedly, the photos of the cartoon soldiers in the folder were actually taken in the greeting gesture of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army with a “fist fist” stance, prompting public criticism. The Southern District Office explained that colleagues did not pay attention to the Internet search and caused doubts in people. The office was deeply apologetic and has urgently notified all li’s office to withdraw and conduct a thorough review.

Cai Qichang revealed that in the municipal publicity materials printed by the Southern District Office, a photo of cartoon soldiers in army, navy and air force uniforms was attached, but sharp-eyed people found that greeting gestures of these three soldiers were actually the fist salute of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. It is completely different from Taiwanese military personnel raising their palms and putting their foreheads. It is understood that China raises its fist instead of raising its palm when taking an oath. The Constitution of the Communist Party of China clearly states that party members must face the party flag and join the party. They should raise their right hands, clench their fists, and look towards their temples. The action is called the “red salute” in the socialist and labor movement. Together with the People’s Liberation Army, the clenched fists in salute symbolize strength, unity, perseverance and determination. For China, there is also the “fist heart” as a symbol of loyalty.

Cai Qichang charged that Taichung City Government military service publicity materials implied a sense of identity with the country, and people found that the relevant units acted hastily and did not bother to verify. They made publicity materials and publicity material that humiliated the image of the national army. Hurry and complete the recycling, hoping that the relevant units will pay more attention to the production of promotional materials.

As soon as the article came out, netizens criticized: “The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked,” “You hold Xi Pooh’s thigh too tightly, right”, “It’s really exaggerated, to think of the mainland in my mind “,” This city government is no longer saved “,” Someday it will wake up when the national flag raised by the city government does not realize that the Chinese flag is being raised “,” This is a concept of boiling frogs in warm water “,” The RMB is sweet and sweet “It is complicated, it does not matter if we are the enemy or the enemy, we should be punished”, “How serious is the infiltration, should it not be treated?” , “It turns out that Taichung belongs to the Communist Party of China”, “The district office has been unified.”

In the municipal publicity folder issued by the South District Office of the Taichung City Government, the public discovered that the cartoon soldier in the picture actually posed in a greeting posture of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army with a “hand fist”.

Regarding the publicity information folder of the South Taichung District Office with images of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Cai Qichang, Vice Chairman of the Legislative Yuan, criticized the city government today for “running hastily” and was not careful. to verify.

Regarding this omission at the Funan District Office in Taichung City, netizens have said: “The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked,” “Hold onto Xi Pooh’s thighs too tightly, right? “,” It is really exaggerated to think of the mainland. “,” This city government has no help. “

The South Taichung District office appeared in the municipal propaganda folder with images of the Chinese People's Liberation Army making fists and saluting Image: Obtained from Cai Qichang Facebook

The South Taichung District Office appeared in the municipal propaganda folder with images of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army waving and saluting.Image: Obtained from Cai Qichang Facebook

Regarding the publicity folder of the South Taichung District Office with photographs of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Cai Qichang, Vice Chairman of the Legislative Yuan, criticized the city government today for

Regarding the Taichung Southern District Office’s publicity folder with photographs of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Cai Qichang, vice president of the Legislative Yuan, criticized the city government today for “acting rashly.” Insults the image of the national army Image: Obtained from Cai Qichang Facebook

Cai Qichang broke the news on Facebook today that some netizens discovered that photos of the Chinese People's Liberation Army were published in the folder issued by the Funan District Office in Taichung City, sparking discussion. Image: Obtained from Cai Qichang Facebook

Cai Qichang broke the news on Facebook today that some netizens discovered that images of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army were posted in the folder issued by the Funan District Office in Taichung City, sparking discussion. Image: Obtained from Cai Qichang Facebook
