The United States will request an update to the guidelines for dealing with the Taiwan-Politics-Free Times bulletin.


The “Guidelines for Trade with Taiwan” originated from the New Year’s Day flag-raising upheaval at Double Oak Park in 2015. The Obama administration issued the guidelines in the form of an administrative memorandum, appealing to the vague restrictions on past trade between the United States and Taiwan. It is a confidential document of the United States government and has not yet been released. . (Photo from the Central News Agency)

2020/12/23 05:30

The “Taiwan Guarantee Law” urges the State Council to review and reformat the premise of deepening relations between the United States and Taiwan.

[Reportero Lu Yixuan / Taipei Report]The US Senate and House of Representatives passed the “Taiwan Guarantee Act” on the 21st. Congress suggested that the State Department revise the “Guidelines for Trade with Taiwan”, which had never been published, and requested the Secretary of State to present a review report and an updated version. Congress believes that the guidelines must recognize that Taiwan is governed by a democratically elected government, is a free and open society, based on the values, interests, and importance of U.S.-Taiwan relations, and is written on the premise to deepen relations between the United States and Taiwan.

China Pressures Obama Administration To Restrict US-Taiwan Ming Cultural Exchanges

The “Guidelines for Trade with Taiwan” originated from the flag-raising incident in Double Oak Park on New Year’s Day 2015. The Obama administration subsequently issued an administrative memorandum under Chinese pressure. The guidelines are confidential documents. It is understood that even members of the United States Congress may only read them in private with the permission of the State Department and accompanied by personnel. As reported, the guidelines refer to vague restrictions on trade between the United States and Taiwan, including a ban on US personnel from entering the State Department building, a ban on hoisting the Taiwanese flag at Double Oak Park, a ban on displaying the ROC national flag in US government agencies and relocation during military exchanges. Other than the national flag, things that promote Taiwan’s sovereignty, such as the national flag, cannot be posted on social media sites.

In recent years, relations between Taiwan and the US have heated up. Although the guidelines have not been revised or abolished, the content has gradually been relaxed. For example, before the former representative’s departure for the United States, Gao Shuotai entered the US State Department to meet with Under Secretary for Asia and the Pacific Stuart Wei. After the official meeting, a group photo of the two was posted. It shows that our representative office personnel can enter the US State Department building.

Additionally, the US Congress has repeatedly asked the executive branch to lift unreasonable restrictions through reports and proposals, including the 2019 Annual Report of the US Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC). And China, which recommended that Taiwanese military personnel on active duty be allowed to visit. During the American period, he was able to wear uniforms; Republican Senator Cruz also proposed the “Taiwan Sovereignty Symbol Act,” which called for the United States to allow Taiwanese diplomatic and military personnel performing official functions to display the national flag and wear uniforms on US soil.

The Secretary of State submits a report to Congress within 180 days after the bill goes into effect.

The “Taiwan Guarantee Law” once again urges the State Council to review the guidelines and requires that, within 180 days of the bill’s entry into force, the Secretary of State revises the “Guidelines for exchanges with Taiwan “and other documents and submit a report to the Senate and House Foreign Relations Committee. It should include the results of the review of the Taiwan Relations Document and an updated version of the standard.

The “Taiwan Guarantee Act” also suggested in the opinion of Congress that the rule should be drafted to deepen and expand relations between the US and Taiwan, and be based on elements such as the value, interests and importance of the relations. between the US and Taiwan; the fact that Taiwan is governed by an elected government, AND Taiwan is a free and open society that respects universal human rights and democratic values; and it must ensure that US relations with Taiwan must conform to comprehensive, long-term, values-based strategic thinking and contribute to the peaceful resolution of cross-strait problems.

Summary of US “Guidelines for Dealing with Taiwan”

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