Quanta’s wife is diagnosed as “wrong country by the ruler of ㄈ ㄈ”. Escorted Senator: Free dating is not an original sin | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center Report / Shi Yuyun【Posted at 08:32 |09:42 Update the text

Case 765 New Zealand pilot infection Case 771 Quanta Group employees, Taiwan’s zero local record was broken on 253, many Taiwanese are concerned about an epidemic prevention breach, and many Quanta employees have been abused in Internet The words, including “mista ㄈ wrong country ruler.” Taipei City Councilor Huang Yufen posted on Facebook on the 22nd that the local case occurred because the New Zealand pilot dishonestly accepted the error of the epidemic and was not the responsibility of the Quanta employees. “Everyone has the right to make friends freely, and that freedom should not be original sin.”

▲ Taipei City Councilor Huang Yufen believes that the occurrence of this local case is not the responsibility of the Quanta employees. (Photo / Facebook Flip of Huang Yufen)

The New Zealand pilot (Case 765) was accused of coughing continuously during the flight and not wearing a mask during the flight, infecting two other colleagues and a Quanta employee (Case 771), leading to Taiwan on the 22nd A local case was added and the local “zero diagnosis” was also broken on day 253.

Huang Yufen mentioned on Facebook that many people’s first reaction to the news was anger. With the efforts of all Taiwanese, they managed to maintain the results of the prevention of the epidemic, but because the New Zealand pilot who was infected with the epidemic did not honestly report the contact history and activities. History has created a gap. As soon as the news broke, many netizens left sexual words to embarrass Quanta’s employee.

▲ Huang Yufen said that the witch hunt and hatred will not help control the epidemic in Taiwan. (Photo / Facebook page of Flip Huang Yufen)

Huang Yufen said that the occurrence of this local case was the fault of the dishonest acceptance of the epidemic by the infected pilot, and was not the responsibility of the Quanta employees. “In a democratic society, everyone has the right to make friends freely, and that freedom should not be original sin.”

Many netizens left messages, like “Taiwanese women are going to kill Taiwan”, “ㄈ ㄈ Chi is going to leave the country”, etc., and there are more exaggerated and hateful messages. Huang Yufen urged that “witch hunts, hatred and specific cases shot to death will not help control the epidemic in Taiwan.”

Huang Yufen said that if it is for the good of Taiwan, please wear masks and wash your hands frequently. He also hopes that those who make hateful comments can stop and that the witch hunt does not affect the health of all Taiwanese.

See more recent reports on Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID-19, New Coronary Pneumonia): https://bit.ly/37gsay1

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

To prevent Wuhan pneumonia, wash your hands frequently with soap, wear masks when necessary, avoid eating raw meat and eggs, go to crowded places, and avoid contact with poultry and livestock.

If you are unwell, take the initiative to report it. If you suspect symptoms within 14 days, call the Outbreak Prevention Line first, wear a mask, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Make sure to inform your doctor about your travel history.

※ Free line for the prevention of epidemics: 1922, 0800-001922
