Good Morning World “253 days no local broken cases, New Zealand pilot contact confirmed | life | key news


the last update:2020/12/23 08:12

A New Zealand EVA Air pilot was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia.  He did not wear a mask while meeting on the plane.  A friend was also diagnosed by contact with him.  (Drawing from the Central News Agency)

A New Zealand EVA Air pilot was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia. He did not wear a mask while meeting on the plane. A friend was also diagnosed by contact with him. (Drawing from the Central News Agency)

253 days with no broken local cases, New Zealand pilot contact confirmed

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced on the 22nd that there was a new domestic infection in the country, which was a contact for a pilot from New Zealand who had recently contracted the epidemic. The record of zero local cases in Taiwan has been held for 253 days. Later, Guangming announced that it was confirmed that it was an employee of the subsidiary who had been diagnosed. He immediately cooperated with the health unit to carry out the investigation of the epidemic and disinfection throughout the company and, in accordance with the requirements of the health unit, notified his close employees to perform home isolation. The preliminary test results were all negative. The infected New Zealand pilots entered and exited public places during the contagious period, including Tianmu Shinkong Mitsukoshi, SOGO and Costco Nankan stores. Commander Chen Shizhong said that this local infection has a clear source of infection, but the risk of the epidemic depends on the monitoring situation, the observation period should be around 25 days. (See full report)

New Zealand pilots dishonestly fined 300,000 yuan from Taoyuan Health Bureau

The New Zealand pilot who was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia did not fully report contact and activity history during the epidemic and contacted a friend during the infectious period. The other party was found to have followed the line and was examined and confirmed; The Taoyuan City Government Health Office stated on the 22nd: New Zealand pilots will receive a more severe punishment of NT $ 300,000 according to the Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Act. EVA Air said a disciplinary committee will be opened and pilots will be removed if they violate the rules. Chen Shizhong, commander of the command center, said a meeting with the relevant units will be held on the 23rd. In addition to discussing stricter epidemic prevention measures, airline sanctions will also be determined. (See full report)

Command Center: New Year’s Eve activities can be carried out throughout the process of wearing a mask, without food or drink, people with symptoms are not allowed in

After the first local case of pneumonia occurred in Wuhan in Taiwan in more than eight months, Commander Chen Shizhong said on the 22nd that the New Year’s Eve party will be organized to have an epidemic prevention plan. People should wear masks during outdoor activities and prohibit eating and drinking. Except in quarantine, people with fever, respiratory symptoms or diarrhea cannot participate. In addition, the New Taipei city government declared that it will stop all outdoor gatherings in New Taipei Christmas Town from now on, but the appreciation of lighting shows and light sculptures will not be affected. (See full report)

Christmas Day in northern Taiwan is estimated to be the coldest 14-degree New Year’s Eve, and there will be cold air masses and lower temperatures.

The Bureau of Meteorology said another wave of fronts passed on the 23rd, and there were significant rains in the north of the central and eastern half. It is currently forecast to be dry and cold on Christmas, with fronts and the northeast monsoon on the 27th, with rain and cooling, and New Years Eve. It reaches the level of the continental air mass, and the low temperature is below 14 degrees. (See full report)

Bloomberg’s anti-epidemic resilience ranks Taiwan’s progress second in the world

According to Bloomberg’s updated “World Anti-Epidemic Resilience Ranking”, Taiwan has improved from third to second place, second only to New Zealand, and Japan, which originally ranked second, fell to seventh due to the resurgence of the winter epidemic. However, the report also mentioned that Taiwan will face the challenge of the cold winter of the possible counter-attack of the epidemic, and Taiwan still has room for improvement in the procurement of vaccines. (See full report)

From today there is a history of British tourism entering Taiwan, centralized quarantine and prevention of variant virus invasion.

In response to the British variant of the virus, the Epidemic Central Command Center announced the introduction of three major epidemic prevention measures as of 23rd, including centralized quarantine for those with a history of British travel to Taiwan, reduction to half of the passenger flights between London and Taipei and the 14-day home quarantine for relevant crew members. The entrance must be inspected before the expiration of the quarantine period. The new strain of the Wuhan pneumonia virus is spreading rapidly in the UK. Scientists say this strain is different from the parent virus in that children can become infected just as easily as adults. (See full report)

Lin Wenyuan was removed from the board of directors of Datong Corporation, and Lu Mingguang and Zhong Yiwen were reappointed.

Only two months after the change of Datong’s management rights, President Lin Wenyuan was suddenly removed from office. On the night of the 22nd, Datong issued a legal person change renewal announcement, and the legal representative of Jingdian Investment Company will be reassigned to Lu Mingguang and Zhong Yiwen to take over. Lin Wenyuan stated that the main shareholder notified him on the 14th that he would replace the legal representative on the grounds that “time and space are different.” Although he is not clear about the reason for the replacement, he frankly admits that many things in his business are inconsistent with the ideals of the main shareholder Wang Guangxiang. (See full report)

The case of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. in the US has surpassed the largest foreign investment from Taiwan in the last 8 years.

TSMC recently announced that it will invest US $ 3.5 billion in establishing a 5-nanometer, 12-inch wafer factory in Arizona, which was reviewed and approved by the Investment Review Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs on the 22nd. This is Taiwan’s largest foreign investment case in the last eight years. (See full report)

The last blue train from Taitung shouted to get on the train quickly

Due to the gradual completion of the electrification of the circular island railway, the flat and local express trains were replaced by shuttles one by one. Only Pingtung Fangliao to Taitung still has an express train back and forth every day; With the official inauguration of the Nanhui Railway electrification on the 23rd, the Lanpipu Express The last train left Taitung at 4:15 pm on the 22nd. The conductor and conductor were reluctant and took pictures with the passengers. The loud voice of the train captain on the platform yelling at the passengers to board the train also became extremely loud. (See full report)

Chen Weiyin confirmed with Hanshin Tigers signing a two-year salary of approximately US $ 2 million.

Chen Weiyin confirmed signing a two-year contract with Hanshin Tigers at an annual salary of $ 2 million. Japan’s professional baseball team, Hanshin Tigers, announced on the 22nd that it had signed a two-year contract with left-wing Taiwanese Chen Weiyin. , with an annual salary of 2 million dollars (approximately NT $ 56.82 million) and a backward number of 14. No. 8 in the history of the Hanshin team, Chen Weiyin said that he was very happy to return to the Central United League . (See full report)

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