“I’m calling you worried!” Su Zhenchang and Lai Shibao drown on the table | Politics


Kuomintang legislator Lai Shibao Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo

Kuomintang legislator Lai Shibao Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo

Ten days before the opening of the American pigs containing Laiji, Prime Minister Su Zhenchang was questioned by Kuomintang legislator Lai Shibao during the preparation of today’s Legislative Yuan (22). The competent local government regulated the detection of clenbuterol through local autonomy regulations. Conflict with the central government, but the central government has not yet officially responded. However, because Su Zhenchang laughed as he prepared for the investigation, Lai Shibao alluded to Su’s guilty conscience. Su chimed in to explain, but it infuriated Lai and caused Su Zhenchang to “feel frustrated”, causing the two of them to hit each other several times.

Lai Shibao asked about his concern. If the Hou Tian Legislative Yuan approves the 9 administrative orders for the importation of Lai pigs, there will only be 7 working days before the opening of the Lai pigs. However, there are currently more than 10 county and city governments (including Taoyuan and other green counties and cities). Local self-government regulations require zero detection of clenbuterol, so should the central government approve it? When to give the answer?

Su Zhenchang replied that he would rule according to the law passed by the Legislative Yuan. Su Zhenchang said the central government will keep in touch with local governments, collect various information and communicate with local governments. The Health Minister and Fu Chen Shizhong also said that communication and local conditions are still necessary, and that administrative orders have not yet been reviewed by the Legislative Yuan.

Respond to the two officers. Lai Shibao argued that, in accordance with articles 18 and 19 of the Local System Law, localities have the right to formulate the relevant autonomous regulations and the central government is requested not to make illegal decisions. And in terms of food management, the central government has set low standards, but local governments can order zero inspections. This is a requirement of local system law. Please, Su Zhenchang and Chen Shizhong read the regulations again. In particular, Su Zhenchang graduated from the law department. (Referring to Su Zhenchang) I’m laughing now, I know, because you know I was caught. “

Lai Shibao then wanted to change the subject and ask questions. But Su Zhenchang was quick to speak and explained that he was laughing at what Lai Shibao said this time, that it was different from the last time. Although Lai Shibao asked Su Zhenchang not to speak. But Su Zhenchang still explained that what Lai Shibao said last time was to teach the local government to use the main decision and not report it (the central government). Lai Shibao himself said that he had forgotten: “I am laughing at this.”

Therefore, Lai Shibao slapped the table angrily and said, “I’m calling you worried!” Su Zhenchang immediately slapped the table and said, “Don’t shoot the table!” The two sides continued to slam the table against each other, but even though Su Zhenchang was stroking the table, the smile on his face was still hidden. Live. Lai Shibao said angrily, “I didn’t ask you this question. Why do you counter the question? How can you counter the question?” Su Zhenchang replied, “It’s useless to pat the table if you don’t know! You ask me, I answer you!” Do you want to keep shooting? Some rest. “In the end, Lai Shibao changed the issue to the earlier controversy about credibility and meat. His Zhenchang was briefed by Lin Weizhou, the head of the Kuomintang regiment.

Ten days before the opening of the pigs containing Laiji, Executive Chairman Su Zhenchang was questioned by Kuomintang legislator Lai Shibao during the preparation of today’s Legislative Yuan (22). The competent local government regulated the detection of clenbuterol through local autonomy regulations. Conflict with the central government, but the central government has not yet officially responded

However, because Su Zhenchang laughed as he prepared for the investigation, Lai Shibao alluded to Su’s guilty conscience. Su chimed in to explain, but it infuriated Lai and caused Su Zhenchang to “feel frustrated”, causing the two of them to hit each other several times.

Executive Yuan Su Zhenchang and Labor Minister Xu Mingchun prepared for consultations at the Legislative Yuan meeting Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo

Executive Yuan Su Zhenchang and Labor Minister Xu Mingchun prepared for consultations at the Legislative Yuan meeting Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo
