Britain is not that miserable at all! London Wife Reveals “The Truth About The Escape”: Don’t Spread The Truth | life | NOWnews today news


Britain is not that miserable at all! London Wife Reveals “The Truth About The Escape”: Don’t Spread The Truth | life | NOWnews today news

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Britain is not that miserable at all! London’s wife reveals “the truth about the escape”: do not spread the truth

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-22 11:39:55

▲ The original PO is going to study in the UK, but the epidemic in the UK has not abated at all and he can't help but worry about whether he should go.  (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)
▲ The number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the UK has recently risen and authorities suspect it is related to the variant of the virus, raising public concern. (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)

In the UK, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (COVID-19) has recently increased. Authorities suspect it is related to the virus variant, and said that through the model’s estimation, the infectivity of the virus variant has increased by 70%, raising public concern. European countries have successively announced the implementation of travel restrictions in the UK, and the media described the rush of people to leave the UK with the “London Escape”. In this sense, the wives of internet celebrities who are in the UK are fans of Facebook[esposas casadas. Londres. Workbook]The article stated that there are many other reasons why many Europeans leave London. He stresses that “the British are actually stronger than everyone thinks.” I hope everyone stops misrepresenting them.

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【wife. London. Workbook]Yesterday (21) evening, I posted a special message to a Facebook fan, revealing that I turned on my phone and saw over 300 messages of love. Everyone was asking “I heard Britain is miserable now? How is your family?” Is the UK going to end? Pack it back to Taiwan, right? “,” Is your family okay? Do you want any supplies? “London’s wife said bluntly that the UK officially announced the fourth level of epidemic prevention and closure rules on 12/20. Scientists have also discovered new variants of the virus. Britain and Taiwan are indeed worlds. But he had no choice but to complain, “Taiwan News extracts a text from” netizens “and subscripts boldly” Britain is an island “,” London will be a great escape “,” Britain will become a sunset country ” … But seriously, we London-based people watch the place and they’re not as miserable as everyone said. “

The London wife explained that many Europeans “fleeing” London are not only due to the “virus”, but “they go home at Christmas” and the “problem of the right of residence”, as well as economic considerations. Or Brexit, there are only 11 days left. He even revealed that “the British are stronger than everyone thinks”. Since the city closed in March, people have found a balanced anti-epidemic model. Many seniors over 70 have also learned to surf the Internet. Just buy essentials at the grocery store and learn to use the Internet for chatting and meeting.

London’s wife emphasized that most Britons are very law-abiding, although there are also Britons who are unaware of the existence of the virus, but there is no reason to insist on using these niches to represent the whole of Britain. Finally, I appealed to all mothers abroad to work together and with emotion, saying: “Children can live happily every day and the whole family is healthy. This is what matters most to me now.” (Publisher: Ni Haoxuan)

▲ The wife of an internet celebrity in London revealed the real situation there.  (Image / Obtained from 【
▲ The wife of an internet celebrity in London revealed the real situation there. (Photo / Obtained from[Wife. London. Workbook]Facebook fans)

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 reminds you:
In response to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Department of Disease Control has continued to strengthen surveillance of the epidemic and border control measures. If you have a fever, cough and other symptoms after entering the country, call “1922“Dedicated line, or”0800-001922And wear a mask as instructed to see a doctor as soon as possible while actively informing the doctor about travel history and contact history to facilitate timely diagnosis and notification.

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