“Wuhan pneumonia” case 765 foreign pilots visit department store hypermarkets! Chen Shizhong: Footprints all over Tianmu and Nankan | Life | New Newtalk head shell


The command center today announced the trajectory of domestic activities in Case 765 and reminded the public to take care of their own health management if they ever came forward during the announcement period. Image: Central Outbreak Command Center / Provided

The command center today announced the trajectory of household activities in Case 765 and reminded the public to take care of their own health management if they ever came forward during the announcement period.Image: Central Outbreak Command Center / Provided

The Central Epidemic Command Center today announced the new additions in China1Local Wuhan pneumonia cases(case771 、30Woman of several years), For the case765 Foreign pilotFriend, for the case765At the time of the outbreak, he said he could not remember the exact history of activities and did not mention the case.771Contact,12monthtwenty-oneNikkei Police Agency investigation765The activity track, the case found765Used to12month7Day to12Daily plan771Close contacts, so they were classified as contacts. The health unit ordered an inspection on the same day and today the diagnosis was confirmed.

Chen Shizhong said that to clarify the case765 (Foreign pilot)in12month8Day to12Daytime activity history and contacts. A thorough investigation of the case’s activity tracking by the health and police departments revealed that the case had a history of activities in multiple public places during the aforementioned period.(As attachment), To remind people that they have been entering and leaving relevant places during the hours indicated in the attachment, take care of your own health,12month25If you have symptoms a few days ago, you need to wear a mask and go to a designated community inspection institution across the country, and the doctor will assess whether you should do the inspection.

Chen Shizhong explained that against the case765Failure to honestly report contact history and activity history during the investigation of the epidemic, for fear of violating the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law, in accordance with article No.43The article stipulates that patients with infectious diseases or with suspected infectious diseases must not refuse, evade or obstruct relevant inspections, investigations and treatments;67Article1Article3Payment regulations, in new Taiwan dollars6Wanzhi30A fine of ten thousand yuan.

The command center said the health unit has the case771Total Contacts167People where13People are listed in home isolation,154Autonomous health management for the lines, and all inspections will be organized.(twenty-onePeople are testing146People waiting for inspection), The health unit has focused on the case771Disinfect public areas as work units; In addition, for groups of aircraft, inspections have been carried out87People where3Diagnosed people(case760765766)78People test negative6People are testing10People await inspection.

The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today that there is a new domestic case of pneumonia in Wuhan (Case 771), who is friends with Case 765 (a woman in her 30s). Due to the Case 765 outbreak, he said he could not remember the exact history of activities.

And he did not mention that he had contact with Case 771. On December 21, the Police Department investigated the activity trail of Case 765 and found that Case 765 had close contact with Case 771 from December 7 to 12.

Therefore, they were classified as contacts and the health unit ordered their inspection on the same day, and today the diagnosis was confirmed.
