[Avance local cero]New Zealand pilot continued to cough without wearing a mask! Evergreen confirms rapes and will be removed from office after killing 3 people infected with the epidemic | Apple News | Apple Daily


(New: EVA Air Instructions)

In the confirmed case of Wufei 765, a New Zealand pilot did not wear a mask while on duty. Is there a penalty for this? Chen Shizhong, the commander of the Epidemic Central Command Center, said that it is a bit difficult to impose a fine if he did not wear a mask in the cockpit, because current regulations are that he did not wear a mask after persuasion, but the captain of New Zealand continued to cough throughout the flight, demanding air. It was very dry and the pilot on the same flight had no one to persuade him, so the main penalty was 60,000 to 300,000 yuan according to article 43 of the “Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law”.

EVA Air also confirmed today that a foreign captain of the company violated epidemic prevention regulations and was diagnosed. It will convene an investigation committee and a disciplinary committee. If the violation is true, you will be removed from office.

The wives and children of New Zealand pilots have complicated private life in Japan and have many close friends.

This New Zealand pilot is rumored to have joined EVA Air for more than 16 years and is the regular pilot of the EVA 777. His wife is Japanese with children, but his wife and children are in Japan. It has been reported from the aviation circle that this New Zealand pilot has a complicated private life and has many close friends.

What caused the attention of the outside world was the announcement by the National Aviation Command Center on December 20 of the outbreak of a group of aircraft infections. Among them, the 765-year-old pilot from New Zealand, in his 60s, was the source of the infection because he coughed and did not wear a mask while on duty. He was assigned the 760th Taiwanese pilot and the 766th Japanese pilot on the same flight. He flew to the United States on November 29 and returned to Taiwan on December 4, and went to the United States on the same flight as Case 760 on December 12. She had symptoms of a cough on board and was quarantined at her home after returning to Taiwan on December 15. Contacts for inspection were arranged on December 18 and the diagnosis was confirmed on December 20. The serum antibody was also positive.

Case 765 entered and left public places during the period of autonomous health management What is the current progress of the crew epidemic prevention review? Chen Shizhong said that since the crew members have violated the regulations, it is obvious that autonomous management has not been implemented. The special management mode for the crew members was used to make the aviation industry run smoothly. We will meet with the relevant units again tomorrow morning and explain how to adjust them. administration.

Case 765 is fined 60,000 to 300,000 yuan for dishonesty or violation of the law

The command center stated that failing to honestly report the contact history and activity history of Case 765 during the epidemic investigation may violate the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act. In accordance with article 43 of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law, patients with infectious diseases or suspected infectious diseases should not refuse, evade or obstruct relevant inspections, investigations and disposals; if there is indeed a denial, evasion or obstruction, the health unit may impose a fine of 60,000 to 300,000 yuan in accordance with the provisions of article 67, paragraph 1, paragraph 3 of the same law.

In the confirmed case of Wufei 765, a New Zealand pilot did not wear a mask while on duty. There was an outbreak of cluster infection from domestic aircraft. Today, the epidemic command center announced a new case of 771. This case is friends with case 765. People have close contacts from 7/12 to 12/12. It emerged that the aviation industry criticized him for not wearing a mask except for completely ignoring epidemic prevention regulations. It was now revealed that he had actually ignored epidemic prevention regulations before leaving for Paris, but was not expelled, leading him to completely ignore Taiwan’s epidemic prevention measures. , Continued arrogance.

Yesterday, “Apple News” exclusively reported that the pilot circle was very unhappy with the 765 case, saying it had been a repeat offender without wearing a mask for a long time and completely ignored the company’s epidemic prevention regulations. Also, the pilot who flew with him previously expressed dissatisfaction that as soon as the Case 765 entered the cockpit, he would immediately remove his mask, which he was quite concerned about, but because the other party was a normal four-bar pilot who was in the cabin. The highest rank, it is not convenient for me to be corrected directly. For self-protection, if you are assigned to fly Case 765, you must bring your own N95 masks and wear them at all times.

New Zealand pilots have long been in breach of regulations and have a bad attitude towards the epidemic and do not reveal the whereabouts of their friends.

Today, the circle of pilots broke out that the New Zealand pilot had violated the rules when he flew to the outer station in Paris. He went out and went, but the company was not directly expelled; even after becoming infected, he faced the epidemic. The command center’s investigation of the epidemic was also not very cooperative, deliberately not revealing the whereabouts of friends she was close with, leading to a recurrence of local cases in Taiwan today.

In addition to case 765, he was very uncooperative in the face of the epidemic. Today, it is reported that he was very uncooperative when he was admitted to the negative pressure room. He lost his temper, often asked questions aggressively, and was unwilling to cooperate with doctors and nurses. Case 765 is rumored to believe the inspection report is false and that the Taiwanese are injuring him. It’s only because his colleague was infected, the Taiwanese government is eager to find a scapegoat, and according to his colleague’s unilateral statement, he was deemed ill. Even until this morning, Case 765 believed that he was not ill, because the Taiwanese maliciously slandered him and insisted that he be taken to the hospital.

EVA Air said today that EVA Air will fully cooperate with the Epidemic Central Command Center in the case of a confirmed case of a foreign captain who violated relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and has recently carried out comprehensive internal and aircraft disinfection; About the captain Violation of relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and prevention and obstruction of epidemic investigation, the company will convene an investigation committee and a disciplinary committee, and the violation will be dismissed.

EVA Air complies with the government’s anti-epidemic policy and strictly regulates the crew. The anti-epidemic policy is independent of rank. EVA Air requires employees to strengthen mutual supervision and the implementation of anti-epidemic measures. If any employee violates the anti-epidemic policy, they must report it to the company. After the company investigates the corresponding sanctions will be imposed. EVA Air will continue to cooperate with the relevant authorities to improve various epidemic prevention measures, reexamine the company’s standard operating procedures for epidemic prevention, and carry out the most rigorous epidemic prevention plans. (Lin Fangru, Huang Zhongqiu, Gan Zhi Dian / Taipei Report)
