China Launches Wufei Vaccine, First Batch of 50 Million People Expected to Be Vaccinated | TechNews


According to the official media of the Chinese Communist Party, China has released the new 2019 coronavirus vaccine (COVID-19, Wuhan pneumonia) and the first batch is expected to vaccinate 50 million people. The first injection will be completed on January 15 of next year and the second injection will be completed on February 15.

The Health Times, a subsidiary of People’s Daily, reported on Dec. 21 that Tao Lina, a former vaccine doctor with the Department of Immunization Program at the Shanghai Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was subpoenaed. He said that China is expected to sign additional conditions for the listing of the COVID-19 vaccine later this year or early 2021, and it will be officially launched in early April next year.

Taolina posted on the public WeChat account “Vaccines and Science” on the 19th, saying that the Chinese National Health Commission held a video conference on the mobilization of the COVID-19 vaccine and the working arrangement on the 15th and identified the first key emergency vaccination group batch of 50 million. people.

Previously, foreign media reported that China plans to complete the COVID-19 vaccination of 50 million people before the Spring Festival next year. Sichuan officials also issued a document on the 17th stating that emergency vaccination of COVID-19 vaccines for people in high-risk positions was accelerated. 118,000 units have been delivered, more than 46,000 people have been vaccinated with the first dose and 12,000 people have been vaccinated with two doses. Sichuan Province will accelerate procurement and actively reserve vaccines. The first dose of all key populations will be completed on January 15 of next year, and the two doses will be completed on February 5.

China took the lead in opening the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine on July 22. Zheng Zhongwei, director of the Medical and Health Technology Development Research Center of the China National Health Commission, said on the 19th that more than 1 million doses have been inoculated. After follow-up and follow-up, so far “there have been no serious adverse reactions.”

The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council of China held a press conference on the 19th. Cui Gang, head of the CDC of China’s National Health Commission, told the meeting that China’s current vaccination strategy is to implement vaccination throughout the country according to the “two-step” plan. .

The first step is primarily to carry out vaccination of some key populations, including those involved in the import cold chain, port quarantine, ship piloting, aviation air service, fresh food market, public transport, disease control doctors and other personnel at relatively high risk of infection, as well as visitors. People going to work or study in high-risk countries or regions should do everything possible to ease the pressure to prevent and control imported epidemics, and reduce the risk of local cases and national outbreaks.

The second step is that more vaccines will be put into use with the conditional approval of vaccines on the market, or the gradual increase in vaccine production. Through the orderly implementation of vaccination, eligible individuals can achieve “everything they should” and gradually build an immune barrier among the population to stop the spread of the new coronavirus in the country.

(First source of the image: Designed by Freepik)
