News / 253 consecutive days with 0 local diagnoses breaking work! 1 new domestic infection | Life | NOWnews Today News


News / 253 consecutive days with 0 local diagnoses breaking work! 1 person recently infected with the domestic epidemic | Life | NOWnews Today News

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News / 253 consecutive days with 0 broken local diagnoses! 1 new domestic infection

Reporter Xu Jiazhen / Taipei Report

2020-12-22 13: 34: 03 |2020-12-22 13:43:26

▲ The Epidemic Central Command Center announced eight high risk sites for infection and transmission.  From December 1, the masks will be mandatory.  Those who refuse to listen will be fined NT $ 3,000 to NT $ 15,000.  (Photo / Photo of reporter Xu Jiazhen, 11.18.2020)
▲ Chen Shizhong, commander of the Epidemic Epidemic Central Command Center, went to the line to explain the latest epidemic prevention situation. (Photo by reporter Xu Jiazhen, NOWnews profile photo)

The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today (22) a new domestic case of COVID-19 (Case 771), which is a case of 765 friends (30-year-old women) announced today (2020). During the investigation of the 765 epidemic, he stated that he could not remember the exact history of the activities and did not mention that he had been in contact with Case 771. On December 21, the police department investigated the activity trail of Case 765 and found that Case 765 had been in contact with Case 765 between December 7 and 12. Case 771 had close contacts and was classified as a contact, the health unit organized an inspection the same day and was diagnosed today.

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The command center stated that in order to clarify the history of activity and contacts of Case 765 (Foreign pilots from New Zealand) between 8 and 12 December, the health and police departments closely investigated the trajectory of activity of the case and found that the case had occurred during the mentioned period. The history of activities in various public places (as attached) reminds people who have been in and out of relevant places during the period of time listed in the attachment, please take care of your own health, if the relevant symptoms occur earlier On December 25, they must wear a mask and go to designated community inspection centers around the country. , After the doctor’s evaluation, whether to perform the test.The command center stated that failing to honestly report the contact history and activity history of Case 765 during the epidemic investigation may violate the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act. In accordance with article 43 of the Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law, patients with infectious diseases or suspected infectious diseases must not reject, evade or obstruct relevant inspections, investigations and disposals; if there is indeed a denial, evasion or obstruction, the health unit may impose a fine of NT $ 60,000 to NT $ 300,000 in accordance with the provisions of article 67, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3 of the same law.

The command center indicated that currently the health unit has a total of 167 contacts with 771 cases, 13 of which are listed in home isolation, 154 are listed in the independent health management and all will be arranged for inspection (out of 21 inspections , 146 are awaiting inspection). The unit has disinfected public areas such as the work unit in the case of 771; In the case of aircraft clusters, 87 people have been inspected, of which 3 have been diagnosed (cases 760, 765, 766), 78 people have tested negative and 6 people have performed 10 People are waiting for the inspection.

China has not had local cases for 253 consecutive days, but today there is a confirmed local case. In retrospect, Taiwan’s first domestic case was case No. 8, which was the spouse and husband of case No. 5. The diagnosis was confirmed on January 28. The last local case was a friend who lived with Case 195 and moved from outside the United States. The diagnosis was announced on April 12.

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 reminds you:
In response to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Department of Disease Control has continued to strengthen surveillance of the epidemic and border control measures. If you have a fever, cough and other symptoms after entering the country, call “1922“Dedicated line, or”0800-001922And wear a mask as instructed to see a doctor as soon as possible while actively informing the doctor about travel history and contact history to facilitate timely diagnosis and notification.

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