Laments the Politicization of American Pigs, AIT Announces the Facts of the US-Taiwan Farmer Trade: I’m Extremely Proud of American Food | Politics |


AIT Director Brent Christensen (Brent Christensen) Image: AIT Facebook page

AIT Director Brent Christensen (Brent Christensen) Image: AIT Facebook page

Relaxation of restrictions on the import of US pork containing ractopamine continues to cause controversy. Su Weishuo, a physician who once advocated that lycox is 250 times more toxic than drugs, came to the American Association in Taiwan (AIT) again today (21), saying that lycox has caused “short lives in Americans.” . In the evening, AIT announced on its official website “Facts and Figures on the Current State of Agricultural Trade Between the United States and Taiwan,” stressing that American food is safe in the United States and around the world. The United States is extremely proud of American food and expressed that America’s pig problem is unnecessarily politicized.

AIT pointed out in the Facebook fan group tonight that all food exported from the US to Taiwan and other trading partners is safe and meets the same highest standards based on the scientific evidence adopted for food consumed in the US. American food is safe in the United States, safe worldwide, and safe in Taiwan. “

AIT regrets that the recent US pork problem has become unnecessarily politicized, causing Taiwanese consumers to have unfounded doubts about the safety of US pigs. It hopes to avoid pan-politicized debates on this issue and ensure that consumers have access to the information they need. Let them enjoy American food with confidence, as they have for decades.

AIT emphasized that the United States is extremely proud of American food and has deep confidence in the complete, transparent, and science-based process used to ensure that American food is safe and of the highest quality. AIT has also attached a link to its official website for Taiwanese consumers to learn more about the United States’ inspection and supervision system and export regulations.

According to “Facts and data on agricultural trade between the United States and Taiwan” published by AIT, the United States is the largest source of agricultural and food imports of Taiwan, accounting for 25% of the total food imports of Taiwan, and Taiwan It is the seventh largest export market for agricultural products in the US. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Food Safety Inspection Agency (FSIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are committed to ensuring that all food sold in the United States and exported abroad meet the highest standards of food safety, including ensuring that US meat products, poultry products, and processed eggs are safe, hygienic, and properly labeled.

AIT noted that the food safety inspection system overseen by FSIS includes short-term and long-term monitoring. The results of sampling “annual residues” of processed meat, poultry products and eggs are published in the form of a “red book”, and the Producers whose residues in the same or different slaughterhouses and processing plants have violated the regulations more than once (more than once). FSIS

The AIT stated that FSIS will also release specific slaughterhouses and processing plants, as well as the aggregated results of microbiological sampling of slaughterhouses and processing plants. It will also publish quarterly reports that summarize the compliance actions taken in a particular quarter. Most of the results will be published on Your website.

Relaxation of restrictions on the import of US pork containing ractopamine continues to cause controversy. Su Weishuo, a physician who once argued that lycox is 250 times more toxic than drugs, returned to the American Association in Taiwan (AIT) today (21), saying that lycox has caused “short lives in Americans.” “In the evening, AIT announced on its official website” Facts and Figures on Current US-Taiwan Agricultural Trade, “

AIT pointed out in the Facebook fan group tonight that all food exported from the US to Taiwan and other trading partners is safe and meets the same higher standards based on the scientific evidence adopted for food consumed in the US. American food is safe in the United States, safe worldwide, and safe in Taiwan. “

AIT pointed out to the Facebook fan club tonight that the United States is extremely proud of American food and regrets that America's pig problem has become unnecessarily politicized Image: AIT Facebook page

AIT pointed out in the Facebook fan group tonight that the United States is extremely proud of American food and regrets that America’s pig problem has been unnecessarily politicized Image: AIT Facebook page
