The new virus is out of control and exposed to “infectious superpower” in the British and Taiwanese: the diagnosis is confirmed without leaving


New out-of-control virus strain is exposed in British and Taiwanese as

A new variant of the virus has been discovered in the UK and many areas, including London, have entered the highest alert level. (Profile picture)

Full report by Zhu Peiyu / UK

Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19, 2019 new type of coronavirus) has a severe global epidemic, and a new and more infectious variant of the virus has been reported to have been found in the UK. Many areas, including London, have entered the highest alert level. A netizen in London posted a few days ago that he and his wife have not been to work in the office for almost a year, and they both wear masks and disinfect each other frequently, but are still diagnosed with an infection, which is very confusing. and they write down their Symptoms, sigh, “The power of this new virus is really powerful.”

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There have been more than 2 million confirmed cases of pneumonia in Wuhan in the UK, and now a new, more infectious variant of the virus strain has been discovered; A netizen in London posted on PTT that he and his wife had recently seen news about the virus mutation. Fortunately, I wear masks and disinfect frequently every day, and I haven’t been in the office for almost a year, so there shouldn’t be anything wrong, but I wasn’t expecting my wife to have a high fever of 39 degrees that night, and They immediately went to the emergency department for blood tests.

The original PO noted that the doctor told them in serious words: “Look at your index, it should be Covid, come on.” They were very puzzled and everyone stayed home, “How the hell was the infection?” He also said, on his wife. After being diagnosed, he was also diagnosed with an infection after a self-exam and began to have a high fever.

After 4 days of diagnosis, the symptoms were exposed “ the high fever does not disappear and the sour smell has been smelled ”

The original PO said they were given simple instructions by the British NHS (National Health Service), including independent home isolation until the 26th, taking fever-reducing medications and drinking plenty of water if fever occurs; He also recorded his current symptoms on the fourth day of diagnosis. I almost sleep less than 3 hours a day, because the high fever will wake me up in the middle of the night, so I can only survive by taking fever medication, and I lose my sense of taste when I eat, and my sense of smell becomes very strange . , The sour smell still exists after bathing many times and changing various sets of clothes.

In the end, the original PO also lamented that British Prime Minister Johnson urgently announced that London would cancel Christmas and close the city, prompting people to complain: “I can only say that they do not know the power of this new virus. Infectious power is really strong. He almost got the prize inexplicably without being in contact with strangers. ” He also hoped that “the British will accept reality and hide at home.” At the end of the article, he wrote “God bless mankind.”

News source: China TV News
