[Exclusivo]Beishi Mingxing Elementary School Junior Teacher Kicked His Belly and Abused the Mentally Retarded and Transferred from the Original Class to Cut the End of the Year | Apple News | Apple Daily


Beishi Long’an Elementary School’s star elementary school was accused by an anonymous parent that a teacher surnamed Xu at the school was suspected of kicking students’ stomachs, slapping students and cursing mentally retarded students in May this year while practicing performances in the whole class. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Education confirmed that Master Xu misbehaved, but only admitted to scolding students, denying kicks and slaps. The school determined that he was not an inappropriate teacher and removed him from the original class and sent him for performance evaluation to be punished. End-of-year evaluation and bonus ranking.

“Apple News” received a complaint just a few days ago that a teacher surnamed Lin at the National Experimental Primary School attached to Taipei City University often bullied students with words and even kicked students’ backpacks for the corridors without control. The school decided that teacher Lin misbehaved, but if he did not communicate with an inappropriate teacher, he would be punished if he sent the performance evaluation. Recently, “Apple” received similar complaints. The school is located next to the National Taiwan University. Taipei City Long’an Elementary School, where many children from the faculty and staff of National Taiwan University and Normal University study, has also been denounced by the parents of the school that a suspected teacher surnamed Xu is suspected of using fists on students. .

An anonymous parent complained to Apple. In mid-May this year, a teacher surnamed Xu suspected that he kicked a student’s stomach with his foot while practicing in the class where he was the instructor. After the student dodged, the two of them pushed him and Master Xu was suspected of slapping them. , And scolded the mentally retarded. It is questioned that the school did not take the initiative to contact the parents of the victimized students to express its concern, and the investigation report presented to the Bureau of Education did not fully express the degree of victimization.

Chen Suhui, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Office of Education, confirmed that after inspecting the monitor screen, due to the screen and angle factors, it is impossible to judge that there was a kick to the student’s stomach, but there were images of the teacher raising his foot and the student trying to dodge it. Subsequently, both sides experienced physical jerks. In the process, the teacher’s hand struck the student’s head and shoulders. Master Xu denied that he was deliberately kicking and slapping the student, but admitted that he had criticized the student as mentally retarded.

Chen Suhui said that by looking at the investigation report submitted by the school, the school determined that the teacher did not act correctly and will be punished with a performance evaluation. It also arranged for teacher Xu to be led by a senior teacher to receive guidance from class management. When the incident occurred, Master Xu served as a mentor and the school also removed him from his current position, and he was replaced by another mentor to take over the class. Master Xu only serves as the teacher of the subject and will not have contact with the teachers and students in the class. Subsequently, we also provide class counseling to students and provide individual counseling to some students.

From what signs did the school identify teacher misconduct? Chen Suhui said that the main reason was that the teacher admitted to scolding the students and actually raised his foot to kick them. However, Shi Xu has no prior history of bad behavior complaints.

Li Shufang, the principal of Long’an Elementary School, quietly said that Master Xu has been transferred from his current position as a tutor and has been punished, in the hope that the matter will end. The students in this class have gotten into the routine of learning and look forward to providing them with an excellent learning space. “Apple” could not get answers from Master Xu, the victimized students, and their parents. (Life Center / Taipei Report)
