P League / “He’s a leader” Davis went back to the first game and cut 11 + 14 + 4! | Sports | NOWnews Today News


P League / “He’s a leader” Davis went back to the first game and cut 11 + 14 + 4! | Sports | NOWnews Today News

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P League / “He’s a leader” Davis went back to the first game and cut 11 + 14 + 4!

Reporter Huang Jianlin / Changhua Report

calendar_today2020-12-20 17:47:18

Davis had a brilliant performance in his first personal NBA game
▲ Davis performed brilliantly in his first personal game in the New NBA. (Photo by Lin Bainian)

Davis (Quincy Davis) joined the P. League + Taoyuan Leading Apes this season and played as a local player. Today, he teamed up with two new foreigners, Reid and Jack, and played some wonderful content to help the team score 20 points. He beat the dreamer by a large margin. After the game, he also said that he was very excited to come play in the new league.

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Affected by this year’s epidemic, Davis hopes to return to the court to earn a living. The league and the four-ball team also discussed and approved at the team leaders meeting, allowing him to sign with the team in an exceptional way. In the end, the pilot successfully recruited him into the team. In this campaign, Davis had 11 points, 14 rebounds and 4 blocks. He showed that he still has the ability to defend the penalty area. At the same time, he also played 28 minutes on the court against a player who had not had a formal game for a long time. Is not easy. Acting coach Yang Yifeng smiled and said after the game, “He wants to play more. If he is not allowed to go up, he will be mad at me.”

Reed and Jack also respect this older brother. The first said: “Q is like a leader and I am very happy to fight with him. He is an important part of our team.” The second said: “Although there is A little older, but Q is still very good and experienced.”

Davis has no great desire to return to his favorite stadium, aside from helping the team win the victory, he said he just hopes to play healthy and enjoy the game.

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