Change your luck today! Open Expert of the Good Fortune 8 “Winter Solstice” Method: 2 Chinese Zodiac Should Get More Attention | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


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At 6:03 pm on the 21st, came the solar term “winter solstice”, commonly known as “winter festival”, “long solstice festival” and “Yasui”. The ancients said, “A yang at the winter solstice” means that the yin qi reaches its peak and declines at the winter solstice, and the yang qi begins to sprout thereafter. Well-known numerologist and founding president of the Taichung City Famous Numerology Education Association Yang Dengsheng said that you can make good use of the “Winter Solstice” day to bring good luck through the 8 methods of great luck. If you lose it, you can only wait one more year.

▲ Eating glutinous rice balls on the winter solstice is perfect. (Image / photo data)

1. Eat glutinous rice balls satisfactorily:

The first thing to carry on the winter solstice is to eat glutinous rice balls. Red dumpling representativegold, You can recruit peach blossoms and people, representative of white glutinous rice ballssilver, You can attract wealth and prosper career. The Red Glutinous Rice Balls and the White Glutinous Rice Balls are at least one each. Glutinous rice balls symbolize reunion and consummation, and make your new year more satisfying.

2. Eat wontons to increase wisdom:

The dumplings represent the transportation of heaven and earth. When yin and yang alternate and are chaotic, all kinds of bad luck can be seamlessly exchanged to welcome all kinds of new energy. For some students who do not like to read and do not do well in school, they can eat a bowl of wontons at the winter solstice, which represents “the beginning of chaos” and gains wisdom.

▲ The dumplings are shaped like ingots, which makes you rich. (Image / photo data)

3. Eat meatballs to earn money:

The dumplings are shaped like ingots and eating them implies wealth.

Fourth, eat pork leg noodles to prolong life and eliminate bad luck:

This year’s rape of the zodiac Tai Sui belongsmousewithhorseYou can have a plate of pork knuckle noodles for transport this day. For children, remember to buy pork knuckle noodles for parents to eat. Besides filial piety, it is also for parents to prolong their lives and save bad luck.

Five, good luck tonic:

“Winter solstice tonic, spring tiger”, in cold weather, to withstand severe winter, the body will consume more calories than usual. Therefore, the tonic with high-calorie foods is in line with the health regimen. The food for the winter solstice tonic is meat. The main one, in addition to various stewed nutritious medicinal materials. Regain vitality, replenish vitality, full of vitality, renewed, good luck will follow, no longer listless, cowed.

▲ Tonic in the winter solstice, full of vitality, good luck follows naturally. (Image / photo data)

6. Buy new shoes and new clothes harmoniously and smoothly:

The winter solstice is as big as the year. Children who do not have time to celebrate their parents’ holidays this year can take advantage of this day to take their parents for a walk, especially the daughter-in-law who usually has a bad relationship with her mother-in-law, but also take advantage of this day to give to her in-laws a new pair of shoes. Or new clothes can help improve the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Family harmony helps smooth fortune.

Seven, worship the ancestors for prosperity:

As early as the Zhou dynasty, the emperor decided to celebrate the Jiao Si ceremony on the winter solstice. As the sun belongs to the sun and the night is yin, after the winter solstice, the white days lengthen and the yang is full of energy, so it is the best time to worship the sky. Put glutinous rice balls on the table to worship the ancestors, praying for the prosperity of future generations.

▲ Put glutinous rice balls to worship ancestors, praying for the prosperity of future generations. (Photo / Obtained from Pixabay)

Eight, worship the old moon and seek marriage:

Eating glutinous rice balls at the winter solstice festival also means reunion. “Yuan” also means “destiny”. Single men and women can use the winter solstice to pray for fate at the Yuelao temple. You can first prepare the five-color silk thread.Green, red, white, black, yellow, Which represent the five directions of east, south, west, north and center and the five elements of wood, fire, gold, water and earth, forming a rope of five colors.

Go to the Yuelao Temple to ask the old man under the moon for offerings of marriage and adoration:

1. Tangyuan:Pray for destiny to come and be completed.

2. Sweets:Sweet mouth.

3. Flowers:And the object can flourish and bear fruit as soon as possible.

4. Fruits of five colors:Round shape is better, everything is auspicious.

5. Red dates:Pray for the marriage to be completed soon.

6. Longan:Completely and without problems.

Pray for the content: remember to tell Yuelao your name, address, date of birth in the lunar calendar, ideal destination conditions, the more detailed the better, so that Yuelao can help you find a suitable destination for you. I sincerely pray that my husband on the moon will give us a quick marriage. If we find a good one, we will offer wedding cakes and sweets in the future. But do what you say! Then wrap the five-color rope around your wrist, usually wear it on your body or put it in your wallet to increase your happiness and attract fate.

▲ Five-color silk threads can be prepared for the winter solstice to pray for a good marriage. (Image / photo data)

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

Folklore is for reference only, don’t be too superstitious.

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