Two factors become the key! CNN: Taiwanese submarine “can stop Chinese attacks” for decades | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


International Center / Full Report

A few days ago, the opening ceremony of China’s “Underwater Manufacturing” was held. President Tsai Ing-wen declared at the event that the world should see Taiwan’s strong will to protect its sovereignty. In this regard, the “Cable News Network” (CNN) of the United States reported today in a special article “Taiwan’s planned submarine fleet is expected to avoid potential threats from China for decades” and analyzed the political relations between Taiwan and the United States. United and the CCP leaders. Xi Jinping’s personal factors will play a key role in this.

▼ ▲ CNN noted that Taiwan’s national submarine construction plan is expected to prevent potential threats to China for decades. (Photo / photo of the document, provided by the Presidential Palace)

Our country’s “submarine national construction” project started on December 21, 2015. After 4 years of hard work, preparations for the start of construction were completed. According to the construction contract, the contract period will be 78 months from May 3, 108. On November 24 of this year, the “Construction Ceremony of the National Submarine Construction Project” was held. Tsai Ing-wen said at the ceremony that the construction of the national submarine has three very important meanings, including “squashing false rumors”, “showing the government’s determination to implement national defense independence” and “letting the world see the strong will of Taiwan to protect sovereignty. “

In this regard, CNN’s special report today noted that submarines remain one of the main “stealth weapons” that can inflict heavy blows on enemy fleets and play an important role in military problems along the Taiwan Strait. An expert revealed that the diesel-electric power used by Taiwan’s submarines is easier to build and cheaper than nuclear submarines. Furthermore, it can operate silently underwater, lurking near the bottom of the Taiwan Strait, and surprise invading enemy forces, but it is difficult for the Communist Army’s anti-submarine combat units to detect it.

▼ ▲ Tsai Ing-wen recently attended the inauguration ceremony of the construction of the National Navy submarine and declared her determination for the independence of national defense. (Informative photo / Provided by the Presidential Palace)

Owen Cote, deputy director of the US MIT Security Research Program, said bluntly that the Communist Army’s anti-submarine warfare capabilities are still weak. Even countries with advanced anti-submarine warfare capabilities like the United States and Japan have to operate in shallow waters like the Taiwan Strait. Detecting underwater activities in noisy waters is also a very difficult task.

Timothy Heath, a senior international defense researcher at RAND Corp, a Washington think tank, believes that while Taiwan has no experience building advanced submarines, however, once the national construction plan is effective, these submarines can be very advanced.

▼ ▲ According to expert analysis, the political relationship between Taiwan and the United States and the personal factors of Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping will play a key role in cross-strait relations. (Informative photo / Provided by the Presidential Palace)

However, CNN revealed two hidden concerns. The various data and information mentioned above have not yet taken into account “political factors” and “personal factors”, and these two points have played a key role in the development of Taiwan’s submarines.

CNN noted that “political factors” refer to relations between Taiwan and the United States. Heath further explained that Taiwan’s plan to build a domestic submarine demonstrates to Washington Taiwan’s determination to build a submarine and invest in self-defense. It also makes it easier for US officials to find political justifications for “helping an island attacked by China.” Because Taiwan is also doing its best to defend itself. However, the US military has yet to protect Taiwan. Without US intervention, China could eventually find some way to suppress most or all of its submarines.

As for the “personal factor”, he refers to the leader of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping. Former Navy Captain Carl Schuster analyzed that Xi Jinping is a very cautious and scheming leader. If it can deter “the cost of launching an attack is greater than its ability to withstand,” Taiwan’s domestically-made submarine will be able to do so. Reinforce the possibility that this situation will continue to exist in the next 20 years.
