Many people who have been vaccinated against Pfizer are allergic


After the United States began mass vaccination against the new corona vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNTech of Germany, six people have suffered “severe allergic reactions.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the vaccination policy yesterday (19). It is recommended that people who have severe allergic reactions to any ingredient in the new corona vaccine not be used. Serious allergic reactions refer to situations that require injection of epinephrine or medical treatment.

The first case of an allergic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine occurred in the United States on the 15th.

According to reports from the Associated Press and the British “Daily Mail”, the US CDC announced yesterday that as of the morning of the 19, more than 272,000 people in the United States had received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. However, the CDC also confirmed that there have been a total of six people have severe allergic reactions and a small number of people have less serious side effects. Data shows that less than 1.5% of the 215,000 people who have been vaccinated are unable to carry out their normal activities or need medical attention.

The CDC noted that one of the patients with severe allergic symptoms has a history of allergy to the vaccine. Last week, a total of 3 medical staff in Alaska required medication after administration of the Pfizer vaccine. Additionally, 4 employees at an Illinois hospital experienced adverse reactions.

According to the KABC television channel, four hospital employees experienced burning and rapid heartbeats shortly after being given the Pfizer vaccine. Three of them returned home to rest and recovered. The fourth employee required additional treatment.

A doctor in Alaska developed allergic symptoms 10 minutes after administering the vaccine on the 17th. The hospital then injected the doctor with epinephrine and discharged him 6 hours later. Prior to this, two members of the medical staff in Alaska had allergic symptoms, one of whom had mild symptoms.

Medical experts pointed out that a compound in Pfizer’s vaccine called “polyethylene glycol” (PEG) may be the culprit. Polyethylene glycol is often used in laxatives.In addition to the Pfizer vaccine, the Moderna vaccine, which was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use on day 17, also contains this ingredient.

Although six people have had severe allergic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine so far, the CDC still recommends that people with a history of allergies get the new corona vaccine.

Reuters reported that the US CDC announced the new corona vaccine administration guidelines yesterday. If people have had a severe allergic reaction to any substance in the new corona vaccine, they are advised not to use it. The CDC notes that severe allergic symptoms refer to conditions that require epinephrine injections or medical treatment. Additionally, if severe allergic symptoms occur after the first dose of the vaccine, the CDC also warns the public not to give the second dose.

However, the CDC also stressed that for people who have had allergies not related to vaccines and drug injections, such as those who are allergic to food, pets, the environment, etc., or have a history of allergy to oral medications, family allergies, or mild allergic reactions. The CDC still recommends that these people give the new corona vaccine.

For those who have had allergies to other vaccines or drug injections, the CDC recommends consulting with a doctor before deciding whether to receive the new corona vaccine.

Article Source: COVID-19 Vaccines and Serious Allergic Reactions
文章 來源 : CDC Releases Guidelines on COVID-19 Vaccination After Allergic Reactions
文章 來源 : CDC CONFIRMS that at least six people have suffered adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine and that the chemical PEG found in Pfizer and Moderna injections ‘could be the culprit’, but say people with a history of allergies they are SAFE
文章 來源 : CDC Says 272,000 Pfizer Vaccine Injections Have Been Given in the US, With 6 Cases of Serious Allergic Reaction

(Zhongshi News Network)
