“Wuhan pneumonia” Case 765, does not recognize symptoms, does not wear a mask and his traces are unknown. Zhuang Renxiang: Different national conditions are difficult to deter | Life |新 头壳 Newtalk


Zhuang Renxiang, command center spokesman Image: Epidemic Central Command Center / Provided

Zhuang Renxiang, command center spokesman Image: Epidemic Central Command Center / Provided

The command center held a temporary press conference today (20) to announce an onboard cluster incident. The source of infection was a pilot case from New Zealand765,case765Announced the case of the Taiwanese pilotsFrom 760Colleagues, for the case765Symptoms occurred during service time and he did not wear a mask the entire time.ConnecticutThe value display is temporarily judged as a case760,case766The command center spokesman, Zhuang Renxiang, pointed out that this is an incident of infection by swarm of domestic aircraft and has been included in the list.89People are in the epidemic.

Zhuang Renxiang noted that the case of a Taiwanese pilot in a national airline was recently announced.760Infected with the epidemic, research at the time showed that760Among the colleagues who traveled to the United States, there are1One person had symptoms of cough during the journey and was not wearing a mask, this is the case announced today by the colleague who developed the symptoms.765

Zhuang Renxiang pointed out that the case765For New Zealand nationality, testedConnecticutThe value is24.9, Symptoms have appeared on the plane, but the mask was not fully worn. This should be the source of the infection on the plane.760765766Used to12month12Same day flights work, all trips are in confined spaces, for a long time and some of the time it’s unprotected contact(Drink water, eat, etc.), Due to the case765Symptoms on the plane, study and judge the case.760766Proposal in flight765Infection is an incident of infection of an aircraft.

Zhuang Renxiang stated that, in accordance with the “Operating Principles of National Airlines to Implement Prevention and Control Measures of Crew Health”, the case765inEighthTOelevenThis3The day is not the home quarantine period, and there are departures, currently under investigation.765Itinerary these days, but the case765Explain that you are not in the habit of recording time and place, and the command center is still figuring out where you are going and through yourIPadDuring the investigation of the epidemic, the police unit is also investigating his fingerprint.

And why do you still have to perform tasks when symptoms appear in this case? And why didn’t you wear a mask all the time? Zhuang Renxiang said that due to different national conditions(Wear mask) 、There is a gap in knowledge, but during the investigation of the epidemic, the case765Saying he has no symptoms, other people accused him of being symptomatic and the outbreak became the source of the infection.

Zhuang Renxiang further noted that the current epidemic prevention management of pilots and crew members is in accordance with the “Operational Principles for National Airlines to Implement Prevention and Control Measures for Aircrew Health.” The command center will review the operating principles based on this case and will also focus on those examples. Discuss whether the pilot is quarantined at home.3After days, the crew was5After days, you can enter the community.

Today’s command center temporary press conference announced a group meeting incident on board. The source of infection was New Zealand pilot case 765. Case 765 was a case of 760 colleagues who announced the Taiwanese national aviation pilot case.

Since Case 765 had symptoms during service time and did not wear a mask all the time, the Ct value showed that it was temporarily determined as the source of infection for Cases 760 and 766.

The command center spokesman Zhuang Renxiang noted that this is a domestic aircraft cluster infection incident and 89 people have been listed for the epidemic.
