Zhang Zhongmou, Cao Xingcheng breaks the ice, Fubon Gold and Day Gold, and the Central Bank keeps interest rates unchanged. Review of this week’s events | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News


TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou and UMC founder Cao Xingcheng attended Zhuke’s 40th anniversary event on the 15th. The two attended the event in the same setting for the first time in more than 20 years. They also staged a century-breaking reconciliation as the financial industry dropped shock bombs. Fubon Gold 18th In the evening, it was announced that it would publicly acquire more than 50% of the outstanding Rishengjin shares at a price of 13 yuan per share, marking the first national “gold-gold merger”. The following is a review of this week’s major events:

After breaking the ice for the first time in more than 20 years, Cao Xingcheng took the initiative to shake hands with Zhang Zhongmou.

Foundry leader, TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou, and UMC founder Cao Xingcheng attended Zhuke’s 40th anniversary on the 15th, marking the first time the two have been in the same frame in more than 20 years. The two shook hands, greeted each other and wished each other good health. , To start the reconciliation of the century,

TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou and UMC founder Cao Xingcheng received the “Bamboo 40 Outstanding Achievement Contribution Award” today. Because the two have a brilliant plot, they have been “the king does not see the king” for more than 20 years. Today, it is also the first time between the two Same painting for the first time in many years.

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Fubon Gold intends to publicly acquire Risheng Gold at a premium of approximately 24.8% for 13 yuan per share.

Fubon Gold announced on the 18th that the board of directors approved a public acquisition of more than 50% of Risheng Gold’s outstanding shares at a price of 13 yuan per share. The ultimate goal is to obtain 100% of the share capital. It is estimated that it will spend NT $ 24,526-49.04 billion. The price premium of this public acquisition relative to Rishengjin’s average price in the last month reached approximately 24.8%.

Fubon Financial stated that the successful completion of the public acquisitions and mergers in this case will help the financial industry to merge, take full advantage of the comprehensive effects of the industry and set a milestone for the first national “gold merger”.

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The interest rate of the central bank board of directors that meets during 3 consecutive freezes at the lowest level in history

The Central Bank of Taiwan held its fourth quarter board meeting on the 17th. Following the meeting, it was announced that interest rates have remained at their lowest level in history for three consecutive quarters. Regarding the exchange rate, which is very concerned about the market, the president of the central bank, Yang Jinlong, issued a signal of timely adjustment and priority for Taiwan; and the central bank also revised it up. China’s economic growth rate (GDP) will reach 2.58% and 3.68% this year and next. The momentum of domestic demand is expected to increase significantly next year. Regarding the housing market, Yang Jinlong believes that the housing market can be slowed down by limiting the percentage, but he does not agree with raising interest rates to slow down the housing market.

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Taiwan is included on the US exchange rate manipulators watch list. Central bank: will remain stable with its own considerations.

The United States released the latest exchange rate report and once again placed Taiwan on the exchange rate manipulators watch list. Yan Zongda, vice chairman of the central bank of Taiwan, said that Taiwan has its own considerations and the central bank will continue to strive to maintain exchange rate stability.

The United States Department of the Treasury included Switzerland and Vietnam on the exchange rate manipulative watch list, while Taiwan, Thailand and India were included on the watch list, as well as China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy, Singapore and Malaysia and Ireland. Being rejected.

Academia Sinica is optimistic about the three growth engines and optimistically estimates that my GDP will reach 4.24% next year.

The Economic Research Institute of Academia Sinica released the prospects for the economic situation in Taiwan on the 16th. It is estimated that this year’s economic growth rate (GDP) will reach 2.71%, which is 1.56%. percentage points higher than the 1.15% forecast for July, and better than the one issued by the Chief Accounting Office last month. The last default is 2.54%. Looking ahead to next year, Academia Sinica is optimistic about the recovery of the global economic recovery and the growth momentum of domestic consumption and investment. It is estimated that the annual GDP can reach 4.24%, which is better than the 3.83% estimated by the General Accounting Office.

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Releases Questions and Cuts Orders

Foundry leader TSMC has an ex-dividend of 2.5 yuan on the 17th, and the ex-dividend reference price is 510 yuan. After President Liu Deyin publicly emphasized that the order has not been cut, market confidence has risen sharply. Purchases have turned into bets and TSMC inaugurated its opening program. .

A report issued by foreign investors a few days ago noted that TSMC was downsized by Apple, and the semiconductor industry had repeatedly oversubscribed and placed orders. Liu Deyin pointed out that the definition of reordering is completely determined by looking at what normal inventory is, but under geopolitical and trade sanctions, many manufacturers have a new level of normal inventory definition and cannot use previous views to arrive at a conclusion The market conditions are normal and the supply chain is normal.

Liu Deyin emphasized that TSMC has not seen any order cuts internally. It looks great in the first half of next year and its performance will be better than the previous seasonal level. Not only is TSMC not worried about operations next year, but it also hopes that everyone will not worry about it.

On the other hand, TSMC also announced on the 18th that the seventh phase of this year’s ordinary corporate unsecured bonds, with a total issuance of NT $ 18.5 billion, will be used to build and expand plant and equipment.

UMC will expand its 12-inch production capacity with a capital budget of 28.656 billion yuan.

The UMC wafer foundry announced on the 16th that the board of directors approved a capital budget of NT $ 28.656 billion, to be used for the expansion needs of three 12-inch factories, namely the 12-inch Nanke factory, Japan 12-inch factory and Xiamen Lianxin 12. Regarding production capacity, the process is based on 28 nanometers, and the source of funds is its own working capital, as for the detailed production capacity plan, it is will be released in January next year.

Three major players join forces to build the world’s first 5G millimeter wave smart factory

ASE Investment Controls in Kaohsiung K23 plant on the 16, and Chunghwa Telecom and Qualcomm to build the world’s first 5G mmWave (millimeter wave) enterprise private network smart factory, CEO Wu Tianyu noted that through the accumulation of this experience , the future will not rule out the introduction of 18 smart factories.

Wu Tianyu pointed out that this smart factory is the world’s first private enterprise 5G network to be introduced at the base station of a Taiwanese factory. Three applications have been introduced to the Kaohsiung factory production line, including AI + AGV intelligent unmanned vehicles, AR remote maintenance collaboration, and AR green technology education room The experience environment and environment construction 5G innovative application development programs show the scope and complexity of future smart factories and automation, and greatly accelerate the smart manufacturing process.

Jiang Shangyi leaves Wuhan Hongxin as deputy director of SMIC in January next year

After former TSMC COO Jiang Shangyi left Wuhan Hongxin, according to Lu Media reports, Jiang Shangyi will become the vice president of SMIC after New Year’s Day next year.

Jiang Shangyi revealed that he is passionate about advanced packaging and chiplet technology. Compared to Wuhan Hongxin, it is easier to achieve your ideals in SMIC. He also emphasized that he is a very simple engineer and has the right to pursue his professional ideals and goals. Especially the technology that I love.

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US Fed interest rate policy to remain unchanged

The Federal Reserve Committee (Fed) concluded its December interest rate decision-making meeting on the 16th, announcing that the interest rate policy would remain unchanged, keeping the benchmark interest rate between 0% and 0.25% and raising GDP forecasts, but did not make any bond purchase adjustments.

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Bitcoin once broke the $ 23,000 mark and continued to hit a record high

After Bitcoin broke the $ 20,000 mark for the first time, it continued to rally on the 17th and plunged to a new high of $ 23,000. The increase has exceeded 200% so far this year. This has also fueled the rise in shares of the US stock blockchain concept, and the market outlook for Bitcoin continues. Pretty.

Bitcoin has recently been boosted by various countries to stimulate economic activities and has launched monetary easing policies, allowing the market to actively enter the virtual currency market.In addition, some payment companies have opened the use of trading incentives of virtual currencies, and they once rushed to $ 23,000, setting a new record. .
