Senior CCP Officials Gather in Beijing to Discuss the “Stuck Neck” Problem | CPC Economic Work Conference | Lithography machine | Inner loop


[NuevadinastíaTanghoradeBeijing19dediciembrede2020]Top officials of the Communist Party of China gathered in Beijing to participate in the Central Conference on Economic Work. The meeting determined that one of next year’s key tasks will include resolving a series of “stuck neck” problems as soon as possible. The analysis believes that in the face of heavy sanctions imposed by the United States, it is difficult for the CCP to technically solve the problem of the stuck neck in the short term with its own capabilities.

The Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 16 to 18. Participants in the meeting included Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang and seven other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, as well as directors from various provinces and cities.

Party media reported that Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the meeting, summarizing the economic work in 2020, analyzing the current economic situation, and rolling out the economic work in 2021; while Li Keqiang made specific arrangements for economic work next year in his speech and proposed eight key tasks for next year.

The first two key tasks are “to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological force” and “to enhance the independent and controllable capacity of the industrial supply chain”, and to formulate and implement the “10-year basic research action plan”.

These two tasks also include the implementation of key technology to tackle projects and solve a batch of “stuck neck problems (key technologies controlled by other countries)” as soon as possible.

The Central News Agency analyzed on the 18th that due to the CCP currently facing a technological blockade and sanctions taken by the United States, the supply of core technology products such as chips has been cut off, which has an impact on the industries of China technology, communications and aviation. These two tasks are listed as the first two next year, representing the CCP’s enthusiasm to get rid of the US technology blockade and develop its own technology chain.

Commentator Zhong Yuan told the “Epoch Times” that the CCP requires that “a series of” stuck neck “problems be resolved as soon as possible.” In fact, this is still a sign of backward technology. China has always been the world’s factory for people to work for others. Has it been known to “get stuck”?

The article said that the second largest economy in the world that the CCP has always promoted was originally imaginary. Although a lot of technology has been stolen, many of the core technologies have not been touched, so he is eager to participate in the so-called 2025 plan and is preparing to monopolize the world market. Now it has become a fantasy.

35 “stuck neck” problems

According to a Science and Technology Daily report, Liu Yun, vice dean and professor at the University of China Academy of Sciences, delivered a speech at the “China Unicom Technology Innovation Conference 2020” on November 30. He said 35 key technologies in China have “stalled.”

He said that although China’s total investment in R&D is second in the world, there is a large gap between R&D intensity and innovative power, especially the lower proportion of investment in basic research; the total number of scientific research staff is the world’s first, but high-level talent is lacking; The technological innovation capacity has been greatly improved, but the original innovation capacity is insufficient, the key core technology is restricted by others, and the “stuck neck” problem is prominent.

He listed 35 key technologies the CCP was “stuck” on, such as photolithography machines, chips, operating systems, mobile radio frequency devices, laser radars, core industrial software, core algorithms, and so on.

Xi Jinping breaks billions of cores and turns at the end of the project

To solve the problem of chip panic and stuck technology. To do this, Xi Jinping invested billions of funds to boost the chip industry.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter as saying in September: The CCP is preparing to formulate a set of new policies, and is scheduled to invest 9.5 trillion yuan by 2025 to strengthen research and development of technologies, including wireless networks and AI (artificial intelligence) in response to the US government limits.

The “China Economic Weekly” reported that, at the end of October, there were more than 270,000 semiconductor-related companies on the mainland, whose business scope included “integrated circuits, chips and semiconductors.”

According to data from the professional version of Tianyancha, from January 1 to October 27, there were more than 58,000 new companies related to integrated circuits nationwide, with a growth rate of more than 33%. Among them, about 19,000 were added in the third quarter, which is equivalent to more than 200 new ones every day.

At the same time that chip companies have exploded, many chip projects have been left unfinished. The largest integrated circuit company, Ziguang Group, has spent 17.73 billion yuan in recent years. In the first half of this year, the net profit loss was 3.38 billion yuan and the debt was hundreds of billions.

Dekema Semiconductor, Kuntong Semiconductor, Wuhan Hongxin, Chengdu GF and other mainland Chinese semiconductor projects have invested tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars, occupying hundreds of acres of land and are currently stagnant or bankrupt.

Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said in an interview with the Chinese Communist Party media that chips can not only spend money, they have to be mathematical, physical, chemical …

In the field of semiconductors, PCC has little effect

New Fortune said in 2018 that China had already smashed equity funds in the semiconductor field, on a trillion scale. China’s spending on imported semiconductors exceeds that of oil imports. However, there is a 30-year gap between China and the United States in chips. Even if a large amount of capital is injected in a short period of time, the weak state of the basic semiconductor industry cannot be changed.

According to the report, China’s experimental research and development funds invested 1.75 trillion yuan in 2017, ranking second in the world after the United States. But after investing large amounts of scientific research, technological innovation has had little effect.

So where are the trillions of funds for scientific research spent each year? The article says: 1. It is used for meetings and business trips abroad. 2. Unfinished equipment. 3. The packaging concept saves the project and raises the project funding.

Xiang, a Chinese industry insider who is familiar with the semiconductor industry, said that with China’s own capabilities, no matter how much money you invest, it is impossible to develop high-end chips because China’s basic materials science is very late. Not in technology.

Industry experts generally believe that the technological restrictions imposed by the West on the CCP will reduce China’s economic growth by half a percentage point each year for the next 10 years.

(Comprehensive report by reporter Li Yun / Editor-in-chief: Li Quan)

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