[Exclusivo]Arrogant Little 7! Large-scale construction of agricultural and pastoral land does not reject Miao County government strike and “continue construction” | Apple News | Apple Daily


New: Contractor Discussion

An agricultural and pastoral land on the third line of Taiwan’s Shitan Township, Miaoli County, began building a new branch of 7-11 (Unified Supermarkets) from October this year, and the reserve is scheduled to open the Christmas day, although the county government reported that the illegal construction and twice ordered Work was suspended, but the industry did not give up public power at all. On the 14th of this month, “Apple News” directly attacked several workers who were rushing to work and exclusively obtained the engineering unit to forcefully instruct the contractor to continue construction, and suspended work on the 18th when the county government scheduled a poll. Screenshots of LINE conversations, such as closing the door and preventing officials from entering for inspection. County Councilor Zeng Wenxue criticized the industry as “undisciplined and arrogant, and called on the county government to enforce the law.”

Readers complained to Apple about the violation of the unified supermarket business, saying he went to the county government service line for the public for the second time in 1999 to report, but there has been no follow-up, and the questioning clearly did not. it can be covered by the supermarket. As a result, while reporting, the industry continues to rush to cover it. Ask if there is a fort behind the scenes behind the scenes or a domain of the sky. “Apple” went to the construction site on the afternoon of the 14th and found that several workers were busy with civil engineering and decorating projects inside and out. The industry did not abandon the county government’s order to stop the work.

Another reader privately provided that Uni-President Taichung Operations Department Commissioner Wang gave a screenshot of the conversation on the contractor group line on the 11th. Construction will continue from Saturday to 17th. On the 18th, the county government is scheduled to meet again for another day.

Wang is still in the group requesting that “expedited construction of the storefront must be completed by the 17th. If the iron gate is too late, the hollow board will be placed. County officials cannot enter the venue anyway. The automatic door is locked and must be hung up before Thursday. ” Sign. Development and district courses hope to complete construction and equipment on time. “

“Apple” called Wang Nan on the morning of the 15th, asking him that he clearly knew that he should order a work stoppage, but taught the contractor how to avoid work stoppages; Wang Xian asked, “Why do you have this line? How do I know if it is what I posted?” And jumped Needle said, “I don’t know anything. I just got the previous order to do something. The owner told me to go ahead with construction.”

Hong Peijing from the Uni-President Superstores Department of Public Affairs said in an interview on the 15th that Shitan Store’s contact window with government units has always been the owner. The owner also told the engineering unit: “No problem, keep doing it.” Drive in accordance with the law.

He also confirmed that the Line screenshots obtained by Apple were sent to an engineer surnamed Wang, but Wang only obeyed the instructions of the company’s internal units.

“Apple” asked if franchisees should provide legal ground certificates for unified acceptance of franchised or directly operated stores. Hong only said: “It will be legal before the opening.”

“Apple” asked Hong via Line, does the suspension mean the termination of the contract with the franchisee? Do you urge franchisees to dismantle? Did colleagues in the mid-region threaten intermediate contractors with compensation and threatened to terminate the contract due to the leak of Line screenshots? But Hong said on the 15th: “This is your trial operation, I don’t know and I can’t reciprocate.” The journalist asked again on the 18th, but could not read it.

Fan Chenning, head of the county government’s usage management section, said the Department of Agriculture received the report in mid-October. At the end of the month, the Shitan municipality office immediately reported that the iron structure in the 81 pings of the land was illegal. The county government sent a letter on November 3, Xie surnamed and 4 other owners who held the shares received a 30-day notice with supplemental photos. On December 8 and 14 (meeting of the 11th), the Management Department issued two official documents ordering the suspension of the works. According to the law, a third time cessation of work must be ordered before being transferred to the Prosecutor’s Office for investigation in accordance with article 93 of the Construction Law. At that time, a sentence of less than one year in prison, criminal detention, or a combined fine of less than 30,000 yuan can be imposed.

As for the illegal use of the land, it must be determined by the Department of Agriculture and then transferred to the Land Bureau to impose fines for infractions of the Territorial Ordinance Law, with a fine of 60,000 to 300,000 each time.

Fan Chenning stated that Miaoli County has budgeted 700,000 yuan for illegal construction and demolition this year and 600,000 yuan next year. The number of demolition cases closed each year is 70-90, and the county’s number of violations is approximately 3,700. This year’s policy and priority Approximately 20 pieces of demolition, the entire illegal supermarket is under construction and affects public safety, and will be listed as priority demolition. He said an early inspection on the 17th revealed that the construction site has been suspended and board-closed, and will not be brought to justice for now.

Fan Chenning, head of the management section, said that although 7-11 Shitan Store is listed as a priority for demolition, it must be ordered to stop work more than three times in accordance with the law before it can be transferred to the prosecutor. and be condemned before it can be demolished as a priority. There is currently no calendar. In addition, Miaoli has more than 20 old cases that they must demolish each year.

County Councilor Zeng Wen said that this supermarket near Yimin Temple in Shitan Township received complaints from the public about violations at the beginning of its construction. The family supermarket in Douhuanping, Toufen City, had similar violations before. He believes that because the county government lacks funds for demolition, it can only passively ask violators to carry out the demolition themselves, causing the industry to repeatedly challenge public power.

Zeng Wenxue pointed out that the illegal construction of the Shitan 7-11 branch is not the first case. There were similar illegal cases in Wenshui, Dahu County, and Hsinchu County last year. Commissioner Wang, ignoring the law, asked the contractor to tear down the iron gate during the county government inspection, and hoped that the county government would firmly enforce the law.

The county government said the old 7-11 at the southern end of the Wenshui Bridge in Dahu Township was reported illegal by the county government in 2007 and lacked funds to demolish it. It wasn’t until 2014 that the industry demolished it. The 7-11 Unified Supermarket located at the entrance to the Fengbi Tunnel in Xinfeng Township, Hsinchu County, was identified as an illegal construction by the Hsinchu County Government. The owner still didn’t take care of it after a fine was ordered demolished within a specified time frame. The Hsinchu District Prosecutor’s Office filed a violation of the Prosecutor’s Office Regional Planning Law, and requested the court to declare the confiscation. Last year, the prosecution carried out the demolition, becoming the first Xiaoqi in Taiwan to be confiscated by the prosecutor.

Liu Jiaming, head of the county government’s land use unit, said that this year there are two other super-commercials illegally built on agricultural and pastoral land, namely at Lair Fuchao Merchant at the intersection of Wenfa Road and Yingcai Road in the town of Miaoli, and the family supermarket in Douhuanping, Toufen City. Each fined 60,000 and improved within a time limit. However, “Apple” conducted a field investigation and found that these two supermarkets are still in business and are not affected by the fine.

Some officials and contractors said privately that to boost their performance, some supermarket chains only need to secure a good location, regardless of whether the site is legal or not. However, it will take many years to wait until the government forces it to be demolished. (Reported by Yang Yongsheng / Miaoli)

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