Michigan County Election Night News Biden Wins Recount to Confirm Trump Victory | County Antrim | Count


[LaGranÉpoca19dediciembrede2020](Reported by Epoch Times English-language reporter Zachary Stieber / compiled by Zhang Bei) On Wednesday (December 16), manual recount in Antrim County, Michigan confirmed that, The county lied about the presidential candidate’s victory Democrat Joe Biden on Election Day.

As a result of the recount, President Trump (Trump) received 9,759 votes and Biden received 5,959 votes.

On Nov. 3, County Antrim officials said Biden had more than 3,000 votes than Trump; two days later, they changed their words and said that Trump won by about 2,500 votes; On November 21, the two vote gap changed for the third time and Trump was certified as the winner with nearly 4,000 votes. Local officials blamed human error for these erroneous results.

County Antrim uses the Dominion voting system machines and software.

The external organization “Allied Special Operations Group” carried out an audit of the machine. They found that the Dominion voting system “deliberately generated a large number of errors on the ballots,” causing the ballots to be sent for manual judgment.

The audit report says: “Willful errors led to a large number of voting decisions, unsupervised, transparency and audit trails. This led to voters or voter fraud. Based on our research, our conclusion is: Dominion The system Ballot should not be used in Michigan. Our further conclusion is: County Antrim results should not be certified. “

State Elections Commissioner Jonathan Brater replied in a court document that the report reached “a series of unsubstantiated conclusions that attributed the motives of fraud and obscurity to the same Regular Election Procedures or easily explained error correction procedures, and without explanation, they imply that elements of the voting software that Michigan does not use at all bear some responsibility for tabulation errors or non-existent or easy-to-explain reports. “

Earlier this month, Secretary of State and Democrat Jocelyn Benson (Jocelyn Benson) announced that she would conduct a “zero margin risk limitation” audit on votes in County Antrim.

Lori Bourbonnais of the Michigan Bureau of Elections told local reporters that preliminary audit results showed Trump’s vote increased by 11 and Biden’s vote dropped by one.

Officials also found three other ballots, including one for liberal candidate Jo Jorgensen.

“This is a very typical situation that we find in manual vote counting. It is normal to find that there is a difference between manual counting of one or two votes and automatic counting in a constituency. So what we saw today is very typical. Situation, “he said.

Another official told reporters during the recount that they were “confident” in the election results and blamed “human error” for the misrepresentation that occurred on election night.

The Trump and Biden campaigns have yet to respond to requests for comment.

Based on the results of Michigan’s current certification, Biden won the election. But the state has a voter duel.

Dominion CEO John Poulos (John Poulos) responded to questions from lawmakers at a hearing held at the Michigan State Assembly last week.

He said that due to rule changes, the machine’s program should have been updated in October. However, County Antrim officials did not update the 18 tabulating machines, so some machines use the new program and others still use the old program.

In addition, officials later forgot to test the logic and precision of the program; When a contracting company programmed a tabulating machine in October, it allowed memory cards with new or old versions of the program to count the votes.

“If all the tabs are updated according to the procedures, the errors mentioned in the unofficial report will not occur,” he said.

Editor in Charge: Lin Yan #
