P League / It’s All Worth It! Chen Jianzhou burst into tears in the opening game, choked, and couldn’t make a speech | Sports | NOWnews Today News


P League / It’s All Worth It! Chen Jianzhou burst into tears in the opening game, choked, and couldn’t make a speech | Sports | NOWnews Today News

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P League / It’s all worth it! Chen Jianzhou burst into tears in the opening game, choked, and couldn’t make a speech.

Reporter Huang Jianlin / Changhua Report

calendar_today2020-12-19 14: 39: 18 |to update2020-12-19 16:07:29

P. League + CEO Chen Jianzhou shed tears at the opening match
▲ P. League + CEO Chen Jianzhou shed tears at the stadium during the opening match. (Photo / Photo by Huang Jianlin)

The first game of the first year of the P. League + started today. Before the start of the game, CEO Chen Jianzhou was very touched by the difficulties of the past six months in a pre-game speech. He couldn’t help tearing down the stadium. His artist friend “Jason” Tang Zhizhong also helped him clap and comfort.

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The new Taiwan P. League + vocational basketball team has never existed. Less than half a year has passed since its founding. At first it was just a small idea, but with Chen Jianzhou’s charm and courage, it sprouted and took root, and finally the story will begin in December. It can be said that the first sexual battle is beyond everyone’s expectations. Today’s opening game was played by a new Formosan dreamer at Changhua Stadium at the home of the Fubon Warriors. Before the match, Chen Jianzhou was officially invited to give a speech, but he shed tears of joy under the cheers from the stadium and was unable to say a word.

After Tang Zhizhong asked fans to cheer for Chen Jianzhou, he also came out to calm his emotions.

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