Trump’s son-in-law was criticized for establishing a shell company to embezzle 16.8 billion campaign funds for family expenses – International-China Times


According to the US media “Business Insider” on the 18th, a person familiar with the matter broke the news that with the approval of US President Trump’s son-in-law and the first daughter of Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, Trump’s re-election funds they were established as a shell company. “American Made Media Consultants” (AMMC), exclusively for the Trump family. According to the report, the shell company accounted for nearly half of the $ 1.26 billion in funding for Trump’s campaign, which was $ 617 million (about NT $ 16.8 billion).

The report quoted a person familiar with the matter who requested anonymity as saying that Kushner and other members established the company in April 2018 and appointed various members of the Trump campaign as directors of the company, such as Trump’s wife, Lara. (Lara Trump). ) He served as president, Vice President Pence’s nephew John Pence was vice president, and Sean Dollman, the chief financial officer for Trump’s campaign, was treasurer. However, this method of avoiding disclosure of finances and operations to the public has attracted the attention of federal election regulators.

According to the financial records of Trump’s campaign team, since the establishment of AMMC, the Republican National Committee and Trump’s re-election committees have spent nearly $ 600 million on the company. However, in recent months, Trump’s own senior election consultants and campaign team members have revealed to Business Insider that even they themselves don’t know how the shell company operates, and they even learned about Trump’s wife and her. wife after being revealed by the media. Maid Peng Si got involved. Former campaign CEO Brad Parscale even launched an internal company review, but the results have yet to be revealed.

According to a person familiar with the company, be it Kushner, Laila Trump, John Pence and Dauerman, they usually show up at Trump campaign headquarters, they will definitely say they know nothing about the company, but this is definitely not the case. “All they want to do is use this as an excuse so they can blame others.” Some Trump advisers even accused Pascal of using the company as a place to hide money for a long time, but Trump’s team had spent $ 415 million on the company before Trump fired Pascal in June.

In addition, the “Campaign Legal Center (CLC)”, a non-partisan organization led by Trevor Potter, former president of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), filed a complaint with the FEC as early as July. Trump’s team hid the recent $ 170 million in campaign funds and money laundered through AMMC.

Fisher, the CLC director, said the Trump camp spent on AMMC because it was unwilling to explain even the most basic expenses to voters, to hide its final expenses. The report noted that if the federal government suspects that your actions “knowingly and deliberately violate” election laws, the Justice Department has the right to investigate. However, in the face of such unusual investigations, many former Justice Department officials and FEC officials will “cautiously investigate” the case.

A spokesperson for Kushner did not respond to media requests for comment.

文章 來源 : EXCLUSIVE: Jared Kushner helped create a Trump campaign shell company that secretly paid members of the president’s family and spent hundreds of millions in cash for re-election, a source tells Insider.

(Zhongshi News Network)
