His Weishuo was reviewed with a photo of the female PO from God of War, suffocating the government of Cai-Politics-China Times


Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan recently met with Li Yingjie, director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), and raised the stance of Taichung citizens’ rejection of Laizhu in person, who was bombarded by the Democratic Progressive Party. Psychiatrist Su Weishuo recently announced that Lai Zhu had health problems and was interviewed by the police by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the DPP government to report on the Food Safety Law. Blue Commissioner Zheng Liwen PO today released a picture to stifle the DPP, slandering the five main issues, showing a “new party-statism.”

Kuomintang legislator Zheng Liwen.  (Photography / Fan Zuoyi)
Kuomintang legislator Zheng Liwen. (Photography / Fan Zuoyi)

Zheng Liwen today (18) criticized the DPP with 5 points on Facebook First, in terms of “diplomatic etiquette”, he said Supervisory Dean Chen Ju used to be the acting chairman of the DPP and the mayor of Kaohsiung. On the occasion of the study abroad education exchanges between Taiwan and the US, In front of AIT director Situ Wen, discuss the problems of American cattle that have nothing to do with education to study abroad . At present, AIT director Li Yingjie visited Mayor Lu Xiuyan on the 16th. Lu Xiuyan faithfully reflected the views of Taichung citizens and parliament against Taiwanese pigs, but was discredited by the DPP as disrespectful and it undermined relations between Taiwan and the United States.

In addition to the Laizhu issue, Zheng Liwen also questioned that the DPP’s “freedom of the press” is the post-autumn settlement and rude approach of the Guanzhongtian News Channel, which is to tell the media that people “don’t put on the wrong side. ” After Zhongtian was shut down and moved to the YouTube platform, NCC even wanted to get to control the internet to eliminate speech and block news from different positions.

On “freedom of speech”, Zheng Liwen revealed that in the past, the DPP needed Dr. Su Weishuo to oppose the KMT. Not only did he invite Dr. Su to give a lecture on lycoper damage, but he also gave his article a high evaluation, regarding Dr. Su as a treasure. But today I hate that Dr. Su tells the truth about the pig. The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare also reported that Dr. Su violated the Food Safety Law. In the entire incident, Su Weishuo’s position has not changed, but the Democratic Progressive Party.

Zheng Liwen also regretted that in the past, the DPP, in order to create a sense of national subjugation, continued to vigorously support the “Hong Kong anti-shipping” incident. So far, there have been no elections, and the DPP people have been ostentatious, but they have actually raised the threshold of investment immigration for Hong Kong people and put them off.

List of DPP double standards.  (Photo / Facebook of Zheng Liwen)
List of DPP double standards. (Photo / Facebook of Zheng Liwen)

Finally, he emphasized that the DPP must establish a “Human Rights Commission” and a “Human Rights Division” to create a large internal propaganda that prioritizes human rights. But in fact, as long as it is contrary to the position of the DPP, it is a common place to be persecuted to check the water meter, and the flanks of the cyber army to smear and attack it. The new nationalist party of the DPP requires that all the people be careful.

(Zhongshi News Network)
