Beware of Gaining Weight Net Surprise from Instant Noodle “Calorie Ranking” Exposure: The # 1 Heartbreak | New |


Beware of Gaining Weight Net Instant Noodle “Calorie Ranking” Exposure Surprise: Number One Distress | New | NOWnews Today News

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Beware of Gaining Weight Net Exposure to Instant Noodle “Calorie Ranking” Shocked: Number One Heartbreak

Editorial Center / General Report

calendar_today2020-12-18 11:37:43

▲ Nutritionist Gao Minmin revealed the
▲ Nutritionist Gao Minmin revealed the “calorie ratings” of 20 commercially available instant noodles. (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)

Instant noodle dishes are practical, quick and attractive, and are the favorite dinner companions of Taiwanese. However, nutritionist Gao Minmin recalled that instant noodles are high in calories, sodium, and fat, and while instant noodles are a convenient and healing food, they should be enjoyed in moderation. Gao Minmin announced the “calorie ranking” of 20 popular instant noodles in the market, and the first place made many netizens exclaim “My favorite”!

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Nutritionist Gao Minmin posted on Facebook yesterday (17): “It’s cold and I want to have a plate of instant noodles for dinner. Which dish do you eat most often?” He then shared the “calorie rating” of 20 popular instant noodles. List”.

▲ Nutritionist Gao Minmin compiled the calorie ratings for 20 instant noodles.  (Photo / Obtained from Gao Minmin's face book fan album)
▲ Nutritionist Gao Minmin compiled the calorie ratings for 20 instant noodles. (Photo / Obtained from Gao Minmin’s face book fan album)

Gao Minmin noted that Man-Han Feast No. 1 Onion Beef Noodles, which have 576 calories and 29g of fat, directly exceed 1/3 of the calories and half of the fat you can eat in a day. . Not only that, Gao Minmin said bluntly that “besides calories, sodium content is king terrible.” Many instant noodles have a sodium content of more than 2000 mg. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, adults should consume less than 2,400 mg of sodium per day and have high blood pressure. Sick people have to reduce it to 1200 mg. Almost a bowl of instant noodles can consume all the sodium content you can eat in one day. Gao Minmin finally emphasized, “Instant noodles are a convenient and healing food ~ It’s not that you don’t want to stop eating, but eat less and put a little less sauce in the bag.” Many netizens complained in the comment area, “Oh no, my favorite beef noodles”, “It’s so hard to eat, please be careful”, “It hurts to watch” and “The sodium content is terrible. ( Publisher: Ni Haoxuan)

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