Crank Drink Like Water, 52-Year-Old Mother Suffers From Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer “Ascites Like Pregnancy In August” | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Chen Yi / Taipei Report

Colorectal cancer has been ranked among the top 10 cancers in Taiwan for 12 years. Risk factors are nothing more than eating pickles and barbecues, high mental stress (which affects immunity), family history, metabolic syndrome (obesity), excessive consumption of sugar, etc. . A middle-aged woman used to drink several glasses of hand shakes every day, even instead of drinking water, causing her symptoms such as constipation and ascites for a long time. She went to the doctor for a diagnosis of stage 4 colorectal cancer with abdominal metastasis and severe ascites.

▲ Ms. Wang, 52, used to drink handshakes every day, even instead of drinking water, leading to long-term constipation and eventually diagnosing stage 4 colorectal cancer. (Photo / provided by Ms. Wang)

Ms. Wang, 52, is a full-time homemaker. He likes sugary drinks. He used to drink several cups of hand shakes every day to ease his gluttony. Sugary drinks even replaced the role of drinking water. In June 2018, she suddenly started being constipated for several days and her belly got bigger and bigger due to ascites. “At that time, ascites looked so much like 8 months pregnant. I was afraid that my neighbors would laugh at her, so I didn’t dare to go out! ” Despite continued referrals to the gastroenterology department of a large hospital, the cause was not found and the symptoms failed to improve. On the recommendation of her family, Ms. Wang took her medical records to the Zhonghe Memorial Hospital attached to Kaohsiung Medical University for treatment.

“The night I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, I cried a lot on the high-speed train on the return trip. I never thought that my constipation symptoms were caused by colorectal cancer, and I even entered stage four!” quickly rubbed the optimistic and strong Ms. Wang. Dry tears. “When I think of my mother, sisters, husband and children, the people I love are still around, so I decided to cheer up, and I still want to be a grandmother!” Faced with the sudden bad news, Ms. Wang decided to confront her and received immediate treatment.

▲ Ms. Wang wept bitterly when she learned that she had been diagnosed with colorectal cancer, but thinking of her favorite family members, she decided to actively fight the disease. (Photo / provided by Ms. Wang)

“Although I still feel depressed from time to time, I think I will get better, so I also told my family that I don’t need to take special care of myself as a patient.” During the 9-month treatment, Ms. Wang maintained a positive attitude and obediently obeyed the doctor. arrangement. Ms. Wang said that going to Kaohsiung 3 days every 2 weeks seems to have become a habit, although after chemotherapy I will be very exhausted, I only take a day or two off to go back to my usual routine of housework. He will also go shopping.

After continuing to receive chemotherapy drugs combined with anti-vascular target drugs from the health insurance, Ms. Wang’s constipation symptoms improved rapidly, the ascites was completely removed, and the doctors successfully removed the polyps by surgery. Ms. Wang said that each visit to the doctor would give her an affirmation, telling her that she is in good condition, so that she can be more confident in herself, and no longer think about how much time she has left, and that she will not always think about to get sick. Wishing to earn money with her grandchildren with her husband.

▲ Eating habits such as high sugar content, fried foods, and addiction to red meat are risk factors for colorectal cancer. (Photo / provided by the hospital)

With this positive energy, Ms. Wang’s treatment results are getting better and better. Compared to health insurance data linking cancer statistics from 2014 to 2017, median overall survival for stage 4 colorectal cancer patients receiving targeted therapy is approximately 1.5 years (19.4 months) . Ms. Wang currently has stable disease control and continues After receiving oral chemotherapy, the deterioration-free survival period is up to 27 months.

In the fight against advanced colorectal cancer, Ms. Wang encouraged all cancer patients with her own experience: “Now there are good treatment options, targeted drugs are effective, and there are health insurance benefits. Even if you have colorectal cancer. advanced, you don’t have to worry, just adjust yours. If you feel stable, receive regular treatment and follow-up, you can continue to embrace life and pursue your ideals like me! “

▲ Ms Wang, a colorectal cancer patient (first from left), seemed to encourage cancer patients to take active treatment. (Photo / provided by the hospital)

Professor Wang Zhaoyuan, president of the ROC Colorectal Surgery Association, noted that for current stage 4 colorectal cancer, targeted drugs can prolong survival of patients. The more targeted drugs are used, the better the treatment effect. Strategic analysis of the colorectal cancer treatment map found that according to current health care regulations, if the patient can receive more lines of targeted drug treatment, for example, first-line treatment uses drugs targeted against the factor of vascular growth, then third-line treatment can be transmitted With the use of drugs directed against epidermal growth factor, patients can use more targeted drugs to achieve the effect of prolonging survival. Based on cancer registry data from 2014 to 2017, using more drugs targeting the relay line can achieve the best treatment outcomes for patients. The overall average survival period is 2.5 years and the quality of life of patients can also be effectively improved.

▲ Dr. Wang Zhaoyuan recommends that people over the age of 50 get tested for government colorectal cancer once every two years. (Photo / provided by the hospital)
