Oil exploded to fight the fire! Kuomintang Spread Rumors Chen Ju protested the exposure of evidence slapped by AIT | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Political Center / Full Report

When Lu Xiuyan, mayor of Taichung, met with Li Yingjie, director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) on the 16th, she clearly expressed her rejection of Laizhu. The result was not only a later criticism of AIT, but also a strong condemnation of the DPP. Unexpectedly, Huang Zizhe, vice chairman of the Kuomintang Arts and Literature Committee, came forward and said that Chen Ju, as the mayor of Kaohsiung in 2012, had also drowned with the then AIT director on the issue of lean meat and meat. fine. This move prompted Chen Qionghua, former aide to the Kaohsiung city government and current director of the Supervisory Dean’s Office, to criticize on Facebook: “When there is an accident in the Kuomintang, when many Huang Zizhe want to save the party and the Daoists , they will think of Chen Ju and spank Chen Ju and Black Chenju. “

▲ Chen Qionghua, former Director of Administration and International Affairs of the Gao City Government, criticized the Kuomintang for “making mistakes, vulgarity, never admitting or apologizing” (data map)

Chen Qionghua said that the host’s press release that year said, “Chen Ju emphasized that the two sides still have room for communication on international standards, but the people of Taiwan do not have any anti-American sentiment towards the United States and hope that this exhibition awakens the friendly friendship between the people and the two parties. ” “Did you wonder what Chen Ju choked on? Chen Qionghua said that Chen Ju was basically making amends at the time. He hoped the American side would not misunderstand and hope that the two sides rightly communicate international standards and emotionally awaken a beautiful friendship through study abroad exhibition and student exchanges between the two parties.

Chen Qionghua thought, “Did Chen Ju strangle American and American cows? Is it difficult to verify?” He also said satirically: “Chen Ju closed the door, but opened the door against his confidence and established an office for foreign envoys?” Chen Qionghua emphasized that it was a scene back then. At the press conference, Chen Ju opened the door and walked down the road, publicly thanking the first Taiwanese students in the United States for being influenced by the democratic atmosphere, and also for directly or indirectly influencing the democracy movement in Taiwan. She noted, “The KMT forced Taiwanese to shed blood and fight for the democracy movement in those days. As a result, the KMT disciples and grandchildren are still turning black and white.”

Chen Qionghua also said: Did Chen Ju make the US ambassador so angry that he skipped lunch and sent the news for serious comment? “No, in July of the same year, Chen Ju also shared the stage with director Situ Wen and wished him his retirement. Welcome to Kaohsiung again. In 2018, President Trump personally signed the” Taiwan Travel Law “which entered into Chen Ju was the first A Taiwanese chief who was invited to visit the United States delivered a speech on the international stage in Washington, where international dignitaries such as Hillary Clinton and British Prime Minister Theresa May have appeared. “She said:” The Kuomintang He has made mistakes and vulgarities. He never admits or apologizes. Is the expansion of the struggle different from that of the Communist Party? Yes, there are differences. The Kuomintang was defeated by the Communist Party 70 years ago, and 70 years later, it helped the Communist Party to fight against Taiwan. “

Another former aide to the Gao city government also said that while KMT chairman Jiang Qichen is eager to amend relations with the US, “Mayor Lu, who belongs to a different system, flew to the outside world. This is indeed an unbearable burden for the KMT Central Committee. ” People emphasized that the KMT also threw the DPP into the water for this reason, and also produced distorted messages to fight. “Actually, it’s just a fuss, because at best it’s a response to the character. But what the KMT wants to communicate now is not society’s response to them. The feeling of being pro-American and anti-American. American is more of mutual trust with the United States. ”As for“ Huang Zizhe ”of the KMT, who misunderstood the focus of the incident, although“ it was not unexpected or helpless, they also expressed sympathy ”.
