Kuomintang Support: AIT Talks About Laizhu’s Wrong Wording and Should Apologize to Lu Xiuyan | News | NOWnews Today News


KMT Support: AIT Talks About Laizhu’s Wrong Wording and Should Apologize to Lu Xiuyan | News | NOWnews Today News

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KMT Solidarity: Wrong Wording of AIT Tan Laizhu Should Apologize to Lu Xiuyan

Reporter Chen Hongzhi / Taipei Report

calendar_today2020-12-17 12:18:19

Kuomintang Undersecretary General Xie Longjie said the AIT wording was inadequate:
▲ Xie Longjie, deputy secretary-general of the Kuomintang, said the AIT wording was inappropriate. “I personally think that he should apologize to Mayor Lu Xiuyan for making such a statement.” (Photo / Photo by reporter Chen Hongzhi, 12.17.2020)

The director of the American Association in Taiwan (AIT), Li Yingjie, called the mayor of Taichung, Lu Xiuyan. Lu Xiuyan reflected public opinion and pointed out that people have doubts about Laizhu. AIT issued a statement immediately after the meeting. Forged information and caused unfounded anxiety, which is not beneficial for everyone, ”sparked a discussion among the Chinese. The Central Committee of the Kuomintang today (17) supported party mayor Lu Xiuyan, thinking that AIT’s wording was inappropriate and he should apologize to Mayor Lu Xiuyan.

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▲ Li Yingjie, director of the American Association in Taiwan, visited the Taichung city government, and Mayor Lu Xiuyan addressed the pork issue directly.  (Photo / provided by the municipal government, 12/16/2020)
▲ Li Yingjie, director of the American Association in Taiwan, visited the Taichung city government, and Mayor Lu Xiuyan addressed the pork issue directly. (Photo / provided by Taichung City Government, 12/16/2020)

Kuomintang Undersecretary General Xie Longjie said the AIT wording was incorrect. If you are an experienced diplomat, you should not respond to the mayor in this way. Mayor Lu reflected the concerns of Taichung citizens and even Taiwanese that Laizhu could affect their health, and did not make so-called “false comments”. Lu Xiuyan only faithfully reflected the views of the Taiwanese. “I personally think he made such a statement. It is stated that Mayor Lu Xiuyan should be apologized to.” Xie Longjie emphasized that Taiwan has always been friendly to the United States, but the villagers lamented the importance of Laizhu, “you don’t have to kneel and bow to the Americans, so that the dignity of the Taiwanese people is lost.” Wang Yumin, chairman of the Cultural Heritage Committee, replied that Lu Xiuyan only truly responded to the opinions of Taichung citizens about Laizhu, and 70% of the people across the country opposed Laizhu. Although the Kuomintang is opposed to the Lai pig, it is not against the American or the United States pig, because the proportion of the Lai pig in the American market has dropped to just over 20%. She believes that Lu Xiuyan really reflects the public opinion of Taichung. As mayor, you should reflect AIT on behalf of the citizens: “I think the original intention of the mayor is here.” Wang Yumin said that the United States has its own position and wants to help American businessmen sell their products. However, exchanges between Taiwan and the United States must be mutually respectful. After all, the majority of public opinion in Taiwan opposes Laizhu. As mayor, he must reflect this. Vice President Huang Zizhe said the Malaysian government’s foreign policy was “pro-US, friendly to Japan and China,” and that it remains the same now. The Kuomintang attaches great importance to the relationship between Taiwan and the United States, but due to the importation of pigs, between 60% and 70% of the public opinion in Taiwan is opposed. Excessive exaggeration of this issue, whether it is AIT or Mayor Lu Xiuyan, expressing their opinions and respecting others is the normal way to respond.

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