6 new / added overseas! Invalid test? 5 people who entered the country with a “negative report” are still diagnosed | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Reported by Lin Yanjun

The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today (2) that 6 newly imported cases of COVID-19 (Wuhan pneumonia) in China (cases 681 to 686) were imported from Indonesia (3 cases), the United States (2 cases) and France (1 case). Example) Entry.

▲ Today (2), there are 6 more cases of immigration abroad. (Photo / provided by the Epidemic Central Command Center)

The command center stated that cases 681 and 682 were Indonesian women aged 40 and 20, respectively, who came to work in Taiwan on November 17 and had a negative nucleic acid test report in the 3 days prior to shipment. . So far they have been asymptomatic. In response to “Project 1127 Indonesia” on the 28th, the tests were all negative, and the tests were taken before expiration on the 30th, and all were diagnosed today. Since both cases were asymptomatic and did not come into contact with each other during the quarantine period, no contacts were listed.

The command center stated that case 683 is an Indonesian migrant worker in his 20s who came to work in Taiwan from Indonesia on November 14 and had a negative antibody report within 3 days before shipment. So far he entered the country and has no symptoms of doubt. After entering the country, the case went to the epidemic prevention hotel for home quarantine. After the quarantine period expired on November 29, he took a special car to the company dormitory for independent health management. The company organized a self-financed inspection on the same day. A total of 14 contact persons have been identified, 11 of whom are in contact with the car and are registered in home isolation and 3 are drivers in the same car. Due to due protection, they are registered as independent health management.

The command center noted that Case 684 is a 30-year-old male who has worked in the United States for a long time. He returned to China on November 22 and went to the epidemic prevention hotel for home quarantine. He developed a slight abnormal odor in the evening of the same day. On November 23 her symptoms improved, but the following day Due to the increase in olfactory symptoms, the health unit ordered a medical examination on November 26 and she was diagnosed today. The health unit has captured the case of a total of 15 passengers in the two rows of seats before and after the same flight, and they are placed in home isolation; the crew members of the same flight, due to due protection throughout the process, are placed under independent health management.

The command center stated that Case 685 is a 40-year-old Cypriot man who came to Taiwan from the United States to negotiate on November 29. Had a negative nucleic acid test 3 days prior to boarding. He entered the country due to an abnormal body temperature (38.6 degrees). The airport quarantine staff arranged to go to the hospital for quarantine and went to the centralized quarantine station to await the results. On November 30 the fever continued. On December 1, due to lack of appetite, the health unit ordered the inspection and notification, and today the diagnosis was confirmed. A total of 6 contacts have been identified, of which 2 are colleagues who enter the country and are listed as targets for home isolation; 4 crew members of the same flight who have not entered the country will notify the relevant countries through the IHR National Focal Point.

The command center noted that Case 686 was a French man in his 50s who was invited by a Taiwanese company to come to Taiwan to engage in business activities. Had a negative nucleic acid test report in the 3 days prior to shipment. He was transferred from France to Turkey on November 19 and was transferred in November. After entering Taiwan on the 20th, he went to an epidemic prevention hotel for home quarantine. The case developed symptoms of a sore throat on November 27. Because the symptoms persisted, the health unit ordered a medical examination on November 30 and he was diagnosed today. A total of 3 people who have been in contact with the flight in the case have been identified, and are classified as objects of home isolation.

See more recent reports on Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID-19, New Coronary Pneumonia): https://bit.ly/37gsay1

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

Prevent Wuhan pneumonia, wash your hands frequently with soap, wear masks when necessary, avoid eating raw meat and eggs, go to crowded places, and avoid contact with livestock and animals.

If you are unwell, take the initiative to report it. If you suspect symptoms within 14 days, call the Outbreak Prevention Line first, wear a mask, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Make sure to inform your doctor about your travel history.

※ Free anti-epidemic hotline: 1922, 0800-001922
