“Health Net” Eight places should wear masks and a chart will show you what they are


The Epidemic Central Command Center requires people to wear masks when entering eight categories of locations. Violators will be fined not less than 3,000 yuan but not more than 15,000 yuan. (Free Health Net tab)

[Health Channel / Comprehensive Report]In addition to the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic (novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19) in autumn and winter, there are also many respiratory infectious diseases that are prevalent, which will increase the burden on the medical system and the pressure on programming. The Central Epidemic Command Center aims to reduce the infection of infectious respiratory diseases and prevent the excessive waste of medical resources. Since December 1, it is mandatory for people to wear masks when entering eight categories of places such as “medical care, mass transportation, living consumption, education and learning, exhibitions and games, leisure and entertainment, religious worship and public relations.” Those who do not wear masks in accordance with the regulations and refuse to listen after persuasion will be fined 3,000 to 15,000 yuan for violating the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act.

The command center also indicated that it will stipulate that these eight types of places must wear masks because it is not easy to maintain social distancing, or the characteristics of close contact with unspecified objects, and there is a greater risk of infection and transmission, so it is required to enter this category. People who wear masks in places not only help prevent Wuhan pneumonia, but also have a protective effect against other types of droplets and airborne diseases. If there is a need to eat and drink in the places mentioned above, the mask can be temporarily removed during the eating and drinking period under the premise of maintaining social distance.

In addition to hospitals, health care settings also include densely populated clinics and institutions, such as long-term care centers, child care centers, and welfare institutions for the elderly; while public transportation is high-speed rail, Taiwan railway, MRT, passenger transportation, bus and taxi that are familiar to the public. Wait for the carriage and the station. Places to see exhibits and games include movie theaters, museums, activity centers, and amusement parks; leisure and entertainment venues cover a wide range, including cruises, dance halls, beauty and weight loss venues, gyms, etc .; the other two types of places are religious worship and public relations. .

As for the outdoor places where people gather (such as outdoor scenic spots, amusement parks, night markets, traditional markets, etc.) or outdoor public gatherings (such as parades, detours, New Years Eve parties, etc.), the command center recommends location management units. The use of “capacity control” is used to control, so that people can effectively maintain social distance during activities, and if people have fever or respiratory symptoms and other physical discomfort, they should reduce outings and wear masks for his account.He also remembered public meetings

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