Did the extraction of a single / 20 teeth cause coma and death? Oral authority: A unique treatment is necessary | Society | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Hong Zhengda / Chiayi Report

A woman surnamed Zheng from Chiayi County recently went to Chiayi Christian Hospital for a tooth extraction due to a toothache, but during the operation she had 20 teeth removed at a time and she fell into a coma the day after the operation. . She was declared dead 9 days later; Much controversy arose during the process. After “Sanli News Network” asked the Jiaji hospital, the hospital stated that they contacted Zheng Nu’s father before the operation and explained that there was a video of the entire process. He also asked if 20 teeth should be extracted at a time. Professor Huang Chunde, an oral authority, said that if the patient’s oral health is very bad, it is indeed necessary. Also, for postoperative pneumonia or not, Huang Chunde said that this may depend on whether the patient does NPO (do not eat, drink) before the operation. It really depends.

▲ Jiaji Hospital stated that it had clearly explained the course of the operation with Zheng’s father before the operation and recorded the evidence. (Image / Flip Wikipedia)

According to Lin Jinyan, director of the planning office of Jiaji Hospital, after the treating doctor admitted a woman surnamed Zheng in late October and decided to perform the operation, she explained the treatment to her father during the process. Although her cousin was not present at the time, she reported there are video recordings during the operation, hoping to clarify my cousin’s doubts.

In addition, “Sanli News” also exclusively interviewed Professor Huang Chunde, President of the Association of Dental Medicine for the Disabled. Professor Huang said that Zheng’s wife is not a single case. Huang Chunde believes that it is indeed necessary to treat if there is a total tooth decay. The oral health of some disabled oral patients is not ideal and Zheng surgery must be performed under general anesthesia, but general anesthesia is invasive to the human body and, if it can be handled immediately, it will be less onerous for the patient.

▲ Huang Chunde said that relatives of patients with disabilities should pay close attention to the oral health of patients. (Photo / Obtained from the website of the Department of Advanced Medical Stomatology)

Huang Chunde also said that drinking water and eating should be prohibited 8 hours before any operation. Postoperative Zheng pneumonia can also be caused by the failure of drinking and eating procedures, resulting in inhalation as soon as the anesthesia is removed. In the case of pneumonia, this process needs to be clarified.

Huang Chunde urged that special attention be paid to oral health care for the disabled and regular inspections. If the Zheng woman in the case were to undergo regular inspections beforehand, it would not be possible for 20 teeth to be extracted at a time. At present, the Ministry of Health is already in Taiwan. Establish 7 dental demonstration centers for people with special needs, and more than 80 hospitals have dentistry for the disabled. There are also about 1,000 dental clinics for health education and exams for disabled patients. I hope parents can take more advantage of it.
