Taiwanese women learned to be diagnosed on the way to the Philippines at the expiration of the quarantine period on the high-speed train-Life-China Times


[Transmisión en vivo]Today 3 more cases of immigration are confirmed abroad! The Epidemic Command Center held a temporary press conference. (Zhongshi News Network)

Currently, three new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia imported into China (cases 599 to 601) entered the Philippines, Indonesia and Croatia, respectively. Among them, the case of 599 domestic women had a weak signal during the test and was first considered negative, but the new reagent was used to test again and the test was positive. It was only known when they took the high-speed train home, but the female Ct value was high and the high-speed train passengers wore masks. The infectivity is not high. In another case, a 601 Roesian was diagnosed abroad. Although he had a negative test report when he entered the country, he tested positive after the quarantine period ended. So far, there have been a total of 600 confirmed cases in China.

Zhuang Renxiang, a spokesman for the Epidemic Central Command Center, said that case 599 is a 40-year-old woman who visited relatives in the Philippines in early February this year and returned to Taiwan on October 29. So far he has no symptoms. The woman was inspected before the expiration of the quarantine period on November 11. The test result showed a weak signal and the test result was negative again, and the woman was sent home the next day. Subsequently, the laboratory introduced new test reagents and retested the original sample. The result was positive, with a Ct value of 33. The yin and yang conditions were determined to be in the late stage of infection. Today a new coronary pneumonia was diagnosed.

Zhuang Renxiang said that the woman received a positive warning on the way home from taking the high-speed train, but wore a mask throughout the process and did not speak to other people. Furthermore, the woman was in the advanced stage of infection and contagion was not high. Since there are no other passengers next to the female seat, and passengers in the same vehicle wear masks throughout the trip, it is not necessary to list the contacts.

Case 600 is an Indonesian migrant worker in her 30s. She arrived in Taiwan for work on November 7 and was asymptomatic when she entered the country. During quarantine at the centralized quarantine station, he developed a mild fever, abnormal odor, cough, runny nose and sore throat on November 9. Please wait, due to persistent symptoms, the inspection report was collected on November 13 and the diagnosis was confirmed today with a Ct value of 26. A total of 42 contacts have been identified. Among them, 29 passengers in the two rows of seats before and after the same flight and 1 contact with the same vehicle were placed in home isolation; 12 crew members on the same flight are under independent health management due to adequate protection.

Case 601 is a 40-year-old Croatian who suffers from nasal allergies. He developed symptoms in July of this year. He was diagnosed with a new coronary pneumonia in Croatia. After 14 days of isolation, his symptoms disappeared and the new test was negative. Release from isolation. This time, the man came to work in Taiwan on October 29 because he was hired by a Taiwanese company, entered the country asymptomatic and had a negative report within 3 days before embarking.

Although he had a negative report, the man presented symptoms of nasal congestion on November 1 during the home quarantine period, and believed he was allergic but did not report it; The quarantine period expired on November 13 because the company requested self-financed inspections and today he was diagnosed with a new coronary pneumonia. The Ct value is 34. Currently, there are 3 men who have been in contact with men, who are company colleagues, they are registered in home isolation because they have eaten with the case.

So far, a total of 600 cases have been confirmed in China, including 508 from foreign immigration, 55 local cases, 36 from the Dunmu fleet and 1 Belgian engineer; the other case of the Taiwanese businessman from Jiangsu (Case 530) was dropped as an empty number. Among the confirmed cases, 7 died, 535 were released from isolation, and 58 were hospitalized in isolation.

(Zhongshi News Network)
