“Wuhan Pneumonia” Why can’t European and US epidemic prevention follow Taiwan’s lead? Expert: People’s trust is very important-News-Free Health Net


Taiwan’s response to the epidemic is swift, and people’s trust in the medical system and resources has successfully controlled the spread of the epidemic (data photo)

[Canal de salud / Informe completo]Since Wuhan pneumonia (novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19) began to devastate the world, the number of confirmed cases in European and American countries has continued to set new records. Compared to European and American countries, Taiwan has less than 600 confirmed cases so far. Dale Fisher, President of the Global Epidemic Alert and Response Network (GOARN) of the WTO’s “Global Epidemic Alert and Response Network (GOARN)” recently mentioned in an interview that the key to successful epidemic prevention is to gain the trust of the people.

The cultural environment is very different, Europe and the United States are difficult to implement strict policies

Recently, “Voice of Deutsche Welle” interviewed Fisher, a well-known epidemiologist and president of “GOARN”, with the title “Why European and American countries cannot successfully follow Taiwan’s epidemic prevention policy”. He said that Taiwan and many Asian countries have adopted epidemic prevention policies. It is very beneficial for health. The goal is to achieve zero diagnostic beauty, but there is a high degree of safety behind it. He believes that Europeans and Americans cannot accept large-scale blockades or strict border controls; Fisher also pointed out that compared to Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong and Japan’s epidemic prevention measures may have more baseline value for European and American countries, because these countries are more tolerant of diagnosis. and their policies tend to “coexist” with the virus first, and then through strong Support from the public medical system prevents the uncontrolled spread of the epidemic in the community.

In the face of the epidemic, the public is confident in the immediate anticipated deployment of the response to the epidemic

Fisher mentioned that the people of Taiwan are very willing to cooperate and accept the government’s policies. The reason is that when the epidemic broke out, Taiwan responded very quickly. The pre-established medical system was combined with clear and concise restrictions to make people more aware of medical policies and resources. With a certain degree of confidence, European and American countries did not respond immediately, so the rampant epidemic in Europe and the United States is not just a matter of cultural differences.

Fisher believes that when a country faces any virus invasion, the most important thing is “risk communication and community participation,” which means the relationship between the health department and the people. In the face of any epidemic, citizens must participate in the prevention of the epidemic and learn. How to protect yourself and help others; These policy decisions will reflect the impact of subsequent epidemics in the country.

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