China’s Vaccine Package in Brazil Exploits Volunteer Suicide, an Increasingly Dark Inside Story | International | Newtalk


Brazil cooperated with the Chinese biotechnology company Kexing to carry out the package of human experiments of the Wuhan pneumonia vaccine “CoronaVac” (CoronaVac). On October 29, a “serious adverse event” occurred. The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) ordered a suspension, but did not. Description. A day later, it was reported that the volunteer had committed suicide, and Anvisa was still unwilling to confirm it. He only said it was for technical reasons and was suspended just to ensure safety. He didn’t explain it, and let the outside world see the flowers.

According to foreign reports, even though Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro refused to allow the Brazilian people to be Chinese white mice and not buy Chinese vaccines, Beijing Sinovac Biotech obtained approval from the Brazilian Governor of Sao Paulo, João. Doria supported him and obtained approval from the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency to continue conducting experiments with human vaccines in the state, but a “serious adverse event” was reported a few days ago.

At first, the vaccine package incident in China was seen as a vaccine problem, and the Chinese side was quick to denounce the injustice; but now it is reported that a volunteer committed suicide. No matter why the package was delivered, Brazil’s Anvisa was reluctant to confirm or explain it, prompting outside speculation.

Antônio Barra Torres, director of Anvisa, held a press conference on the 10th and said that the suspension of the vaccine experiments produced by Kexing was purely for technical reasons, but there were no further explanations. It is understood that the bureau has scheduled another press conference for the afternoon of the 11th, local time, and there may be more detailed explanations.

In any case, the Chinese vaccine in Brazil caused not only safety concerns, but political storms as well, making the political feud between Posonalo and Doria increasingly fierce, with the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency apparently choosing to get on Doria’s side. The foreign news agency noted that the suspension of the vaccine experiment was undoubtedly a victory for Posonalo. When he responded on Facebook, he said: “Death, disability, abnormality … This is the vaccine that Doria wants to force all Brazilians to receive.” “.

The “Kierlaifu” vaccine from the Chinese company Kexing is currently in human trials in 10 countries. Brazil started cooperating at the end of July this year. Dorian took 6 million doses of the vaccine at one time and signed a total of 46 million doses. And he promised that if the test shows that the vaccine is effective, the State Butantan Institute (Instituto Butantan) is expected to start producing 120 million doses of the vaccine in 2021, which can be administered for free in Brazil.

The vaccine package incident in China was initially viewed as a vaccine problem, and China was quick to denounce the injustice; but now the volunteers are reported to have committed suicide. No matter why the package was delivered, Brazil’s Anvisa was reluctant to confirm or explain it, prompting outside speculation.

Perhaps Wuhan pneumonia has broken out in Brazil, but it has also triggered a political storm for the country and sparked a dispute between pros and cons. Image: Obtained from Posonaro Facebook

Perhaps Wuhan pneumonia has broken out in Brazil, but it has also triggered a political storm for the country and sparked a dispute between pros and cons. Image: Obtained from Posonaro Facebook
