Hong Kong Media: Communist Forces Deploy Dongfeng-17 Missiles Along Southeast Coast to Prepare for Possible Attack-Taiwan Apple Daily


  1. Hong Kong Media: Communist Forces Deploy Dongfeng-17 Missiles Along Southeast Coast to Prepare for Possible Attack on Taiwan Taiwan Apple Daily
  2. South China Morning Post: Mainland China Deploys “Dongfeng-17” Supersonic Missile Targets On Southeast Coast To Attack Taiwan UDN United News Network
  3. “Situation of the Taiwan Navy” China Deploys Dongfeng-17 Supersonic Missiles Along Southeast Coast, Taiwan Freedom Times Electronic Report Notes
  4. South Morning: Lu Prepares to Seize Taiwan and Deploy Dongfeng-17 to Upgrade Its Southeast Coastal Missile Base, Chinatimes.com, Chinatimes.com
  5. South Morning: “Dongfeng-17” missile deployed to the southeast coast of China to attack Taiwan World News Network World Journal
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report