Japanese Job Live “Zhang Yi with 2 Ks to solve the crisis of losing points, 4 games up 7K Orix 0: 0 Seibu-Free Times Newsletter


  1. Daily Job Live “Zhang Yi with 2K to resolve points loss crisis, 4 games up 7K ORIX 0: 0 Seibu Free Times Newsletter
  2. Wu Nianting and Zhang Yi’s first round of strikeouts after the Japanese / Taiwan Civil War soared 7K udn OOPS in 4 rounds!
  3. Japanese post / After the head touches the ball and then tackles Zhang Yi, the goal is to throw 9 rounds Yahoo News
  4. Zhang Yi pays tribute to Chen Weiyin
  5. Japanese publication / acquisition Chen Weiyin and Zhang Yi first chance to meet with Taiwan and Japan UDN United News Network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report