New Taiwan Dollar Soars 3.26 Cents and Advances to “Peng Huai Southern Defense Line” -Yahoo News


  1. New Taiwan Dollar Soars 3.26 Cents, Moving Toward “Peng Huai Southern Defense Line” Yahoo News
  2. New Taiwan dollar soared more than 30 cents in early trading
  3. The capital frenzy has not stopped, the Taiwan dollar skyrockets by more than 30 cents, rising more than 1% to become the strongest foreign currency, Anue Juheng.
  4. Challenge “Peng Huai’s Southern Defense Line”! New Taiwan dollar soars 3.11 cents to another 9-year high Yahoo News
  5. Hot money knocks on the door, Peng Huainan defense line, the Taiwan dollar reaches 28.64 yuan in the first trades
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report