Google another solution? Find the day of the founding of the ROC … show “December 7, 1949” -Free Times Bulletin


  1. Google another solution? Look up the day of the founding of the ROC … show the Free Times e-bulletin “December 7, 1949”
  2. Right after the National Day of the 10th National Day, Google released a package for the establishment of the ROC. The establishment of the ROC changed to udn UNRWA in 1949!
  3. Right after National Day, the quest for the establishment of the ROC changed to 1949! Google responded to Taiwan’s Apple Daily
  4. Google out of the pack? The search for “the establishment of the ROC” turned out to be 1949-Formosa TV News network
  5. National Day has just passed! Seeking the establishment of the ROC in 1949, Google responded to UDN United News Network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report