The Wildest Live Broadcast of National Day! Lian Qianyi to Sell 10 Teslas with “Initial Offer of 0 Yuan” with a Total Price of Over 34 Million | ETtoday Social News-ETtoday News Cloud


  1. The Wildest Live Broadcast of National Day! Lian Qianyi to Sell 10 Teslas with “Initial Offer of 0 Yuan” with a Total Price of Over 34 Million | ETtoday Social News ETtoday News Cloud
  2. 20201010 Zhongtian News Lian Qianyi auctions helicopters in 6 minutes! Consult the “informed” buyer and seller with the same person Zhongtian News CH52
  3. “Current Master Time” Lian Qianyi Tesla sold 4.2 million Internet users in half an hour and won the Sanli News tender.
  4. Lian Qianyi auctions helicopters in 6 minutes! The same person as the insider buyer and seller in the “0 RMB initial bid” | ETtoday Social News ETtoday News Cloud
  5. The same helicopter dealer? Lian Qianyi against the rich businessman: they want to evade criminal responsibility @ 东森新闻 CH51 东森新闻 CH51
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report