Selling Infringing “Infinite Power” Clothing? Curator Wants To Compensate 1.2 Million Fighters-UDN United News Network


  1. Selling infringing “Infinite Power” clothing? Curator wants to compensate fighters 1.2 million UDN United News Network
  2. The curator’s misfortune does not come alone! T-shirts of own brand of manufacture accused of infringement and with 1.2 million indemnifications Taiwan Apple Daily
  3. The case of the shooting has just been solved, the “curator” has to pay 1.2 million to sell t-shirts and loses the lawsuit against Sanli News
  4. Curator Lost! Fighter Controls “INFINITE POWER” Trademark Infringement Prize 1.2 Million | ETtoday Social News ETtoday News Cloud
  5. The curator’s shirt is violated and the court is sentenced to compensation of 1.2 million
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report