The supervisor of “The Japanese Post”, Kuriyama, said yesterday that he was “wrong”. Nakata Sho returned to the headline and Wang Bairong sat on the bench. Free Times News


  1. The supervisor of “The Japanese Post”, Kuriyama, said yesterday that he was “wrong”. Nakata Sho returned to the headline, Wang Bairong sat on the bench Free Times Newsletter
  2. Wang Bairong was resurrected for the second time in a row, starting the second game and making contributions-Formosa TV News network Formosa TV News network
  3. Japanese Post / Dawang Chang Got Boosted! Forced Extension And Rakuten Yahoo Qimo News
  4. “The Japanese Post” Wang Bairong started 2 consecutive games and made contributions to Supervisor Kuriyama! (Video) Free Times Newsletter
  5. Daily Job | Wang Bairong’s batting machine change critic praised his change Taiwan Apple Daily
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report