Japanese Job Live “Wang Bairong’s first hit Xifeiqiu was killed by a ham 0: 0 Rakuten-Free Times News


  1. Daily Job Live “Wang Bairong was caught in Xi Feiqiu’s first hit and was killed by Ham 0: 0 Rakuten Free Times Newsletter
  2. Japanese Post / “I want to help the team get 1 more point” Wang Bairong hits the box to contribute to RBI Yahoo
  3. Daily Job | Wang Bairong’s batting machine change critic praised his change Taiwan Apple Daily
  4. “Japanese Post” was beaten up by Wang Bairong and others! Lotte Ace is unwilling (video) Free Times Bulletin
  5. Japanese Post / The King Rises! Heli Ball Review: The First Chance Is The Big Yahoo News
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report