The Golden Bell Award commemorates the late Bridge Devil filmmaker Huang Hongsheng and says goodbye to tears.[影] -News from the Central News Agency


  1. The Golden Bell Award commemorates the late Bridge Devil filmmaker Huang Hongsheng and says goodbye to tears.[影] News from the Central News Agency
  2. The boy has realized his dream! He will be awarded the “Host Award-Huang Hongsheng” on the eve of the Admiralty | Sanli News Net Sanli News Net SETN
  3. “I owe you a prize” Wu Zongxian repented! The little ghost realizes his dream and receives the golden bell Yahoo news
  4. Ke Jiaying was quick to hit Yang Jinhua and Zhang Xiaoquan after the grab. Xu Guanghan competed for the emperor, TTV NEWS
  5. The boy has made his dream come true! On the eve of the Admiralty, he won the “Host-Huang Hongsheng Award” from Sanli
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report