Juguang Hand Wash Hand Cream “Smell Jiaming”? Taiwan Railway: has requested to strengthen inspections-udn OOPS!


  1. Juguang Hand Wash Hand Cream “Smell Jiaming”? Taiwan Railways: has applied to strengthen udn OOPS inspection!
  2. Jiaming’s taste? Juguang toilet hand washing milk is suspected of being mixed with “this smell” parody of Taiwan railways arresting criminals Free Times e-newsletter
  3. Juguang hand sanitizer was infused with the “smell of Jiaming” Taiwan Railway Police arrested evil wolves Taiwan Apple Daily
  4. Does the hand sanitizer smell like “Jiaming?” Station staff: Don’t rule out internal spoofing UDN United News Network
  5. Juguang toilet hand sanitizer mixed with “Smell of Jiaming” … 4 The train was poorly rectified and the police called ETtoday abnormal.
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report