[Congestión en el sitio de construcción 3 de New Taipei]Hike in Waste Treatment Fees, Industry Headaches, Officials Reveal Truth in Word-Mirror Weekly


  1. [Congestión en el nuevo sitio de construcción de Taipei 3]Hike in waste treatment fees, industry headaches, officials break the mirror of truth weekly
  2. Cooperation and armed force to scare Hou Youyi that the two sides of the strait do not need to provoke each other Feng Guangyuan: Don’t talk too much … | New Shell Political Director
  3. Zhu Lilun really choked “Xiaoying eats beautiful pigs and I eat them” Hou Youyi was surprised: I do not encourage eating Sanli News Network Setn.com
  4. [Gran atasco de tráfico en el sitio de construcción de New Taipei]Hou Youyi pushes 400 hectares to redistribute a great achievement, New Taipei Construction Company cries without a smile, reason is exposed to the mirror weekly
  5. Even if the government takes the lead in eating American pigs, Hou Youyi: Resolutely oppose imports-Formosa TV News network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report