Lawmakers Sued 12 People Involved In Bribery Case, Chen Tangshan Was Not Indicted – China Central News Agency


  1. Legislator sued 12 people involved in bribery case Chen Tangshan was not sued
  2. The investigation of the case of collective bribery of legislators ended 4 current legislators 1 former legislators and a total of 12 people were sued udn UNRWA!
  3. Prosecutors approve lawmakers and others for taking bribes for personal gain and all the consortium’s supporters sued TVBS NEWS
  4. Lawmakers Investigate Bribery Case, Prosecute Chen Chaoming and 12 Others
  5. The investigation of the case of collective bribery of legislators ended. His Zhenqing and 5 other lawmakers were all sued udn OOPS!
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report